SEMA Show 2023 Day 2 Video

Day 2 at the SEMA Show 2023 did not disappoint, the new tools and equipment kept coming. Along with the tens of thousands of other patrons, we swarmed the halls to find all the goodies. From laser welders to oil drains, you can find just about anything. We’re on the hunt for all the best tools at the SEMA Show 2023.
#lasvegas #semashow #tools

Day two of SEMA starts Now we're here at the rapid air booth And they have everything you can think Of when it comes to outfitting your shop With air uh something we still need all The time and they have everything from Composite tubing and composite fittings All the way up to uh aluminum tubing and Even stainless steel tubing and Something new this year are the Stainless steel crimp connection so Really opens the door to number one just Something you may want as far as the Look goes but also into stainless steel Uh piping and into food processing uh uh Nuclear space things like that as well Even down to the Terminations and even blow Guns and Airlines We're here at the CUO booth and they Specialize in pullers both internal External pullers uh two jaw three jaw You name it if it comes to pulling They've got it check out this 10 ton Hydraulic ram now what this is used for You can actually use this with other Pullers and when you clamp down on this It creates 10 tons of force that expands Out and helps to drive all whatever You're trying to remove so now you've Got the grease hydraulic ram in the Middle of the jaw puller and now you Don't have to clamp here with all the

Force just clamp here with that little Half in or 13 mm and clamp that down and You get 10,000 lb of force or 10 tons of force 20,000 lb right there just by that Grease RAM and drive that bearing Off We're here at the Vim tools booth and Check out these extended reach wrenches Flexible ratcheting head dual Direction Ratcheting head on one side closed in on The other side and again plenty of Length for getting where you need to Thin profile wrenches as well getting Those tight reach spaces not much Depth and then check out these Brak Bleeders as well brake bleeder wrenches Whole Set every size you Need we know what a pain those can be And these are really cool right Here 9/16 half In little compact ratchet Wrench whole set and you have these Crows feet here that are Springloaded attached to your Ratchet You see how they Grip really cool Set we're here at the socket strap booth At the SEMA show and they have several Variations of their socket strap the Cool thing about this is number one it's

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Made in the USA number two polyurethane And uh rare magnets obviously uh that Hold very well but they're also makes Them flexible so you have independent Magnets in there that are holding each One of these and they're not just for Small sockets you can see we get down Into the big boys as well and so you can Get this in uh several different sizes From the six socket uh on up and again Even to the larger sockets and then even Into a smaller batch of just four Sockets but you don't just have to hold Sockets either these things will hold Wrenches uh you can see that the power Here behind it we've even got a towel Behind there and it's still holding Those sockets and then even getting into Wrenches crescent wrenches whatever you Need to hold check out socket Straps we're here at the valax booth and This is pretty cool so this would uh Represent basically your oil drain plug In your oil pan and you see we have oil In the tank up here it's all the way up To here and number one I'm going to take This cap off and you see nothing comes Out we have a rubber Gasket there that's going to number one Seal this we have another rubber gasket Up here that's sealing to the oil pan as Well now watch this so when we take this We take the cap off and we screw this on Number one we still see no oil coming

Out so we're going to screw this on and Still no oil and you'll see here now I'm Starting to get a little bit of friction There it's going to depress that ball Valve inside there now look at that oil Coming out of there so now we've got oil Draining and when we get done draining Our oil into our oil pan or in our oil Container whatever we're doing we can Unscrew this in in a second here you'll See a air bubble there you go there goes The air bubble and so now we're done Draining our oil obviously we may have a Little bit of residual here look not Even a drop and we put our cap back On and now we're done with our oil Change here's an up close look at what's Going on here so you see the ball valve In there uh and you get uh not only that Spring-loaded ball valve but obviously You get o-ring in there that's sealing That as well and then there's the cap And this is what's screwing in and Actually depressing that ball valve and Draining through the oil line and check This product out that they have as well This is a uh obviously you can see that It straps onto your dipstick tube and Let me take the lid off Here This is a little oil wipe so you use That to wipe your dipstick put that back In the container put the lid on kind of A stupid simple thing but actually makes

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A lot of Sense we're here at the top Dawn Booth Checking out the top scan Pro this is a Bluetooth driver so obviously you plug This into your OBD2 port and you get 13 Different reset functions it works with Their their app in apple as well as the Google Play Store and this is a Bidirectional scan tool so you get full Functionality with just a Bluetooth Dongle and the app on your phone sells For a 100 Bucks we're here at at the tone booth at The SEMA show these are made in Japan Tools uh and they have everything from Full tool boxes with Pliers more pliers scrapers Wrenches again all made in Japan labeled foam Trays ratchet wrenches We're here at the rogo Fastener booth at SEMA and they do more than just fasters Everything from zip ties to organization Bins and even into chemicals brake Cleaners uh rust penetrants things like That but you can get the these whole Setups from your traditional fasteners Like nuts and bolts again and organized Bins easy to read easy to reorder and Restock and even into abrasive Wheels so you can buy complete systems And Setups even into their Products

Rubbing in the Chocolate Yeah chocolate milk chocolate milkshake Can I put my foot in there french Fries there you Go Brad Detail Wow taste It check out this adjustable Fab table From Sigman watch this Simple Pump up to raise the Table raise it to the height you're Comfortable With set all your fixtures and go to Work looks like uh about 6,500 Bucks really cool design sitting on Wheels 360° got It's easy Money Everything Show Din y Card Brian here with weha tools here With Tim from shop tool reviews so we're Checking out today the brand new weha Premium 194 piece uh premium weha tool kit so Taking a look here everything is based In foam so top layer here you've got uh You know definitely home oriented claw Hammer level tape measure com on over to

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Here you've got the uh weha premium blue Bit impact set super handy there going Over to this side you've got the new uh 36 piece ESD Micro 4 mm good set all of Our impact drivers that covers your Treay one for You slide this over here try two all the Greatest hits of weha pliers and Cutters New adjustable wrench that's uh brand New 2023 Flyers wrench uh long nose Flush Cuts flush cuts are great for your Zip ties uh and then of course the uh Tried and true buy Cuts tray three Four of the weha Greatest Hits Huge Selection of all our screwdrivers Including two uh a P2 extra heavy duty And a slotted extra heavy duty as well As SAE metric and torqux LPS and finally tray four you can see All of this is fitting into this case a Huge selection of both sa and metric Wrenches and sockets both standard and Deep well so all of this is going to be Available starting q1 of 2024 for $4.99