Simple Sounds! RIDGID R84089 18V Hybrid Jobsite Radio Review

Sometimes you don’t want anything fancy, you just want a good ole American Cheeseburger. The RIDGID R84089 18V Hybrid Jobsite Radio brings that same simplicity and functionality to the table. Basically, you get a great sounding cordless, or corded, AM/FM radio that also streams via Bluetooth from your phone or smart device.
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RIDGID R84089 18V Hybrid Radio:

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Who doesn't want a job site radio hello Can I help you [Music] Well Ridgid has a very simple answer for You a very good sounding hybrid Bluetooth radio let's dig in Just a very simple review today with the Ridgid R84089 now I don't say simple to mean a Bad thing I just mean I think this gets The job done they didn't over feature it I think it's at a decent price point and It has very good sound as well now this Is the as I mentioned the model number Is the r 84089 it's the 18 volt hybrid Job site radio pretty light I mean it's Not totally light but it's not that Heavy I'll weigh that in just one second Simple to grab on the Run handle on each End though that doesn't mean a whole lot But in a sense it really does you just Want something simple to me when you're Looking for a job site radio or a radio To to throw on the boat or to just kind Of be on the go you don't want it too Huge at the same time you want some Decent sound and the only way you do That is from decent sized speakers these Have two uh so dual three inch speakers Again it puts out some decent sound Depth I must say it's it does very well And basically you get Bluetooth Capability so you can sync to your phone Or smart device or computer and you get

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AM FM so you can stream everything off Of your smartphone or you can run the AM FM and that's really about it there's Not a lot of other functions when it Comes to this handle the volume I Believe you have 20 different presets It's easy to set those easy to sync to Bluetooth and it's going to run Obviously with the hybrid name it's Going to run with the 18 volt rigid Batteries as well as you have a power Adapter right here that's going to plug Right there where it says DC in so you Can run it off the plug or you can run It off the 18 volt battery and then we Have a USB out I believe that's a 2.1 Amp so you know it's not huge it's not a It's not a 2.8 or 2.4 but still we're Getting decent charging rate with the 2.1 amp output and we have a little Indention here to put your smartphone And this is an iPhone 13 Pro Max and it Fits in that indention it fills it up But still it fits in there so it's made To fit that that's probably the largest Phone at this time anyway so it's going To fit in there just fine any smaller Ones are going to fit in there just fine As well it doesn't have any type of Wireless charging or anything like that But it's just a place where you can lay Your phone and it kind of holds it in Place if you will Turning it on very simple hit the power

Button it's going to tell you it's on And then on as I mentioned you get Bluetooth mode And if I go into Bluetooth There we go So job site radio Bluetooth connected Building a legacy takes hard work and Sacrifice the power to raise walls the Determination to push through Ridgid delivers Superior tools you can Depend on rain and heavy wind today Folks you might want to stay inside Tools backed by the industry's best Lifetime service agreement Rigid build for a lifetime So there you have it wish I could play Some music for you but obviously we know We can't do that 159 dollars from Home Depot and you still get the lifetime Service agreement on this just like Their tools that's going to come bear Tools so you're not going to get a Battery with that I think I've got a 6 Amp hour in here which I I believe They're saying 30 hours of run time on This that's really going to depend on How much volume you have the more volume You have the more it's going to be Pushing so the more more draw it's going To have but you're going to get an easy Day's use out of a battery on one of These and when it comes to weight that's With the six amp hour battery just under

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10 pounds so nine pounds six ounces Without the battery Seven pounds 12 ounces so just under Eight pounds without the battery in it So again as I mentioned it's not exactly Heavy at the same time it's not like You're you know a little three pounder But I think you're getting better sound Out of the size radio like this a little Bit deeper sound as well with some space For those speakers to breathe and I Really didn't see any moisture rating on This so I don't know how protected it is Against uh you know water and dust but It seems pretty Pretty tough we banged it around a Little bit and seems to have no problem Again I like the fact that it's not Crazy futurist that it's basically Playing my Bluetooth so I can stream Things and I've got AM FM if I want to Go through that and set presets on that As well Well there you have it very simple as we Said I think Ridgid has the answer on This not too complicated stream from Your Bluetooth device or play the AM FM Radio charge your device if you need to And that's about it run off 18 volts or Run off 120 volts what else do you want For a job site radio hey check it out Against the model number R 84089 also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and

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