The QUIET RIPPER! EGO 56V Mini Bike [MB1000]

Last October we first saw this EGO 56V Mini Bike at the Equip Expo in Kentucky. We couldn’t wait until they were finally released, and here we are. The EGO Brushless hub motor delivers up to 28mph top speed, and two active 56V batteries provide runtime up to 20 miles. A full suspension makes the ride very nice, especially for a minibike. #egopowerplus #powerbeyondbelief #tools #review

EGO MB1000 56V Mini Bike:

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Have you ever thought to yourself I wish I had a mini bike that ran on my string Trimmer [Music] Batteries this is the brand new ego MB 1000 it's their 56v mini bike now this has a 28 mph top Speed and it has a long range capacity As well in fact it'll go up to 20 mi on A single charge now it runs on one or Two 56v batteries but it has a place for Three now you're asking well what do it Run on one or two well we don't know yet But we do know it has two active ports And we're going to find out will it run A 156 volt battery or does it require Two but it does have storage for a third As well so you can extend that long Range of riding as well as be able to Run at that higher speed as you know you Want to now it has a full suspension With shocks in the front and a mono shck In the rear you also get working Headlights working tail lights and an LED dashboard as well now we haven't Touched this to the ground yet we Literally unboxed unbag this thing threw It up here on this table the knes aren't Even dirty yet cuz we have not fired Fired it up or turned it on or flipped The switch however you turn on an Electric minibike but we're going to Find out let's get started now we Actually have good size knobby tires

Specifically this is a 130/70 D12 meaning 12in Rim so we get a 12in aluminum rim and then we get an Even larger Tire in fact uh blown up It's a right about 20 in tall so we get A 20in diameter Tire on this so pretty Large diameter knobi uh for a minibike Should give you a lot better ride than a Smaller tire and will would as I Mentioned we get pneumatic shocks up Front and we get a full hydraulic Braking system as well so this is not a Cable operated uh disc brake system this Is hydraulic and looks like we get a 7in Rotor up front here in the rear we get The ego brushless Hub motor so the motor Is actually right here in the hub of This rear wheel so there's no chain no Pull F no Shaft or anything running from Any type of motor the motor is right Here we're just supplying power to it we Also have another hydraulic disc brake On the rear I'm assuming that's another 7 in yeah another 7in rotor back here on The rear as well and we get the same Size knobby tire and same size wheel as In the front we also get heavy duty Aluminum foot pegs with plenty of grip Here on the top and they're Spring-loaded so when you're hitting Those roots riding around those Corners Nice and low that's going to fold up and Not break on you and furthermore we get A heavy duty kickstand that folds up out

Of the way easily and then comes back Down to actually lean the bike properly And here under the seat in the back is The mono shck with the spring and the Oil dampen shock in the middle and this Is the opposite side of the Hub motor That's delivering the power to the rear Wheel here we can see this orange cable Here that is delivering That Power from The batteries to the actual Hub motor Here so this is basic Bally the the Power line that's coming down to deliver The energy to drive this Hub motor now I Thought this was kind of a cool feature The single key that will turn the Motorcycle or the mini bike on Works Down here for the cargo and uh for the Battery access now this is not where you Actually turn the bike on but with the Key in here to the left is going to open This access door and this is where we Can store our third battery so this is Not an active port But you can store an extra battery in There so you turn it to the left it Opens that turn it to the right and it Pops the hood Open now we'll go ahead and get this Down and cover the rest of the Features and with the hood open this is Where we can put in our batteries as I Mentioned both of these are active Ports we're putting in 7 and 1/2 amp Hour batteries

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Pull your key out now these are locked In there you can't open that unless you Have the key by the way overall height Of This Is about 30 in to the top of the what Would be the tank uh and probably 36 in To the top of the handlebars depending On where you have your handlebars Adjusted to and overall length is about 60 in and here's our dashboard well Let's go ahead and Remove the Sticker we'll go ahead and power this Up and you'll notice the D for drive and We also have a reverse so yes this Little minibike has a reverse tells you The status of the batteries uh actually Both batteries there as well as overall Tells you m hour uh and then you can set This in eco mode normal mode or in sport Mode now to get the full 28 mph you will Have to be in sport mode and that Requires you to have at least 10 amp Hours of battery now you can do that With two 5 amp hour batteries to get an Overall 10 amp hour then it will unlock The sport mode for you to then go that Full 28 mph so with the switch on the Handlebar I can switch from normal to Eco and to Sport you also can see that I can take The headlights from normal to Bright and In addition to seeing it on the

Dashboard you can also see the battery Lights right here through this Translucent Hood see the battery light Here and the battery charge indicator Light there on both of those here on the Left side of the handlebar we have uh The brights and normal lights we have The Horn and we have Reverse and then this is our hydraulic Cylinder For the brakes so a translucent tank There so you can see your brake fluid Level and then here on the right handle Bar we have the Eco Mode normal mode and Sport mode switch and then we have Headlight running light and off where we Can actually turn the lights off and Then our ready button now on the Headlight that's in the off position That's the running light so we see the LED rim around and then that's the Headlight And brights will light up all three and Then we also get a working tail light as Well so that's in the running light mode And that's in the operating mode or Headlights on so that doesn't change if You have the running lights on or the Lights on the tail light's going to Illuminate with a brake light as Well when either Handle is pressed now we just took it For a little rip and uh it's a fun

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Little bike how however we can only get It to go in a normal mode if I put it in The sport it flashes three times and Stops and this is where you should Probably read the directions because Couple of things we found out number one As we mentioned we have to have at least 10 amp hours of battery check we have That but we have to do something else We've got to get under the hood so we're Going to put our key in the side here We're going to open the battery cover And then we need to remove these two Bolts right here now these are Should be number five 5mm Allen heads or Hex and this should slide back and now Be Removed and right back here in the rear Of the seat compartment is a little Switch and that switch is set on from The factory so the speed limiter is set On we can click that off now we should Be able to go into sport Mode now let's power this back On and we're in Eco let's go to normal We've got normal and then let's go to Sport and now we have sport mode so it Checks to make sure we have 10 amp hours Of battery which we do and now our speed Limit is off and so now we get sport Mode now to go into any speed or to Drive this at all whether in drive or Reverse you have to have this ready icon Up here and if the kickstand is down

That disabl pulls that ready Icon now the kickstand is up we see Ready right there across the screen We're in drive if we want to go to Reverse we can press either brake then Push the reverse Button and now at with the reverse Button held if we let off the brake It'll start backing up very Slowly so in any of the drive modes uh As long as we're ready we hit the ready Button And then we twist the throttle and the Unit will just take off so get Ready twist the throttle and go and now That we've got sport mode Enabled She's a Ripper [Laughter] Okay we were supposed to check to see if This thing will run on just one battery Or not so Let's open her Up and find out Top battery in which I think is Port One hey maybe maybe ready yeah so we can Run on one single battery so it Literally is a 56v minibike uh I was Thinking maybe it was requiring Both now let's check something else see If it Will run in Port two I'm assuming it

Will let's go Ready yeah so it looks like we'll run With either battery in here and then I'm Assuming maybe in sport mode is where It's actually drawing from both oh let's Check that Out so I've still only got one battery In here And power Up oh yes so sport mode is just blinking So it won't let me go into sport mode With just one battery in here so which That's what they said right at least 10 Amp Hours so either Port will work fine for Econo mode or eco mode and for normal Mode but for sport mode you need both Batteries in and then you can go back to Sport mode now here's the bottom line on This this thing is just a blast ride it Moves uh pretty quick it's got decent Torque uh more than decent torque it's Got a lot of torque it's not just going To pull a wheie uh not with me on it Anyway uh you do have to get a little Bit of Leverage if you will either push Down on the forks and pull up or uh know How to ride it to get on the back wheel Um so it's not like it's going to be Instant torque standing out from under You I'm sure it could be but they've got It programmed in so it doesn't now it Claims 28 mph top speed I'm way north of The 220 lb Max limit that they claim and

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I was pulling 24 25 mph out of it so Getting really close I'm sure somebody That weighs you know a buck 50 could Easily hit that 28 mph Max scratch that We were able to get 25 mph on the dirt Road and 27 mph on this private black Top Road and that was with me on it Somebody lighter definitely faster I Love the handle here on the back to be Able to kind of move this thing around Reverse is great it's a really real slow Reverse I don't see that you need it It's easy to push this thing back but it Is kind of cool that it actually has it Uh now pricing on this is where some People may gasp at this but really after Riding it seeing the quality of this Thing I don't think it's that bad it's To Grand if you want it with the two 7 12 amp hour batteries and uh the Dual Charger it comes with so yes that's a Big pill to swallow but it's a fun Little ride and let's face it if you're Already in the ego platform you may have A few batteries already and you'll be Able to order that for $1,300 so $12.99 Without the batteries and the charger so Little bit easier pill to swallow there Um just a really really fun bike check It out it's the mb1000 we'll have a link In the description you can get it at Acme Tools you can probably order it From Lowe's as well a few other places Um so again we'll have a link in there

Really happy to see ego finally come out With this it's been a while since we Actually seen it um just some great Features on this with the third battery Storage as well so hey keep track of us On Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you don't mind hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means if you Hate our video well give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why oh and runtime or range on This we haven't tested that yet whether It'll go you know 20 mil or not but you Know as we keep this we'll uh we'll be Sure to release another video with uh Kind of our findings after using it a Couple of months and uh also finding out What the true range is on It