Tools from EVERYWHERE! ISN Tool Dealer Expo 2023 [ORLANDO]

Each year the ISN Tool Dealer Expo brings dozens of tool and equipment manufacturers together to showcase their newest and best tools and equipment. This is a small compilation of our findings. #tools #mechanic #powertools

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Foreign [Music] We recently visited the Isn Tool dealer Expo for 2023 now each year the Expo is Held in Orlando Florida and since it's Not too far of a drive for us of course We're going to visit now the Expo brings Together dozens of equipment and Tool Manufacturers showing off their newest And greatest products so of course we're Going to be there to try to capture the Excitement so let's get started the K2 Booth is always slammed and you can see Why with the various equipment tools They have to offer from headlamps to Bluetooth speakers to underhood lights And Battery boosters you name it K tool Offers it uh toolboxes that we'll see More of wrenches sockets pry bars again The list goes on and on even to coolers And water bottles even steps and step Ladders as well to engine stands and Lift jack stands I get just everything They have to offer floor jacks from Aluminum one and a half ton all the way Up to five six seven even ten ton floor Jacks even brake flaring Tools service Cards even into the larger tool boxes And Shop stools here's a just a short List of of their toolboxes really nice Looking units as well everything from uh Against small service cars all the way Up to full-size toolboxes as well plenty Of tool stores to choose from

Milwaukee tool always aims to please and They bring a ton of tools equipment Accessories you name it and they've got Four brand new tools they were showing Off so let's go ahead and get started I'm Calvin kirkbride product manager With Milwaukee tool today we are going To be introducing the M12 fuel Insider Extended reach box ratchet this tool is Going to deliver unrivaled access 60 Foot pounds of Max torque and ultimate Versatility so what we have here is we Have an anvilus tool design and you Insert the sockets directly into the Head of the tool you can have it Standard you can have it low profile and You can put it in the opposite direction Not having the paddle impede the access When we look at the low profile of this Tool you're going to be the same if not Smaller than a manual solution and that Is going to allow you to get into the Tightest spaces and allow you to take Off timing covers and the pass-through Capability is allow you to take off sway Bar links strut Towers rounding bolts You name it this is going to be the Ultimate solution and when we look at Other cordless Solutions we're over Three quarters of an inch almost a full Inch Savings in profile this is a tool That we are very excited to announce and Get into your hands hopefully soon every Single tool both their tool and kit is

Going to come with our 16 piece Accessory kit the 8 through 19 plus 21 Along with a quarter inch Anvil adapter A 3 8 Anvil adapter and a quarter inch Magnetic hex bit and these sockets are Going to be passed through up to 15 Millimeters and 9 16 inch SAE Here at the Milwaukee booth at the Isn Show and this is the new mlw 3150 looks A little bit like the M Specter which The head unit is pretty close functions Are pretty close as well but difference Is this very small Camera and cable is much smaller and It's removable and replaceable as well And you have a front facing and a side Facing camera so you see cylinder walls As well as the top of Pistons or Whatever else you're inspecting intake Runners What have you so Very good images coming as well you can Take video you can take still images and Save them to an SD card as well New tap and die set from Milwaukee They're going to have several sets Available this is the SAE they also have Metric So Pretty typical looking hex style dies And pretty typical looking Taps but Where they go different here is in the Handle that Associates With the tooling as well

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And this will fit your smaller Taps as Well as your larger tap so no need to Switch your tooling to do that As well as this handle will pop off It's got detents all the way around it Pop on there and hold securely and pop Back off and you can see the indentions Here In the tool You can also grab the rod out of here And use it like a conventional t-handle As well These should be shipping in August And you can get them in various sizes I'm here at the core booth and this is The jnc 8800 and it's their 12 volt cap Jump starter so this is different than Your typical jump starters and it's got A large cap in here they can be charged Number one it's very light it weighs Like eight pounds and right now this is Reading 32 percent but you can hook this Up to 12 volts of power and it will Charge within like 30 seconds to a Minute and give a hundred percent and You're going to get 800 cold cranking Amps to jump start that car you can also Plug it into wall power And that's going to charge your lithium Battery that can then charge the Capacitor as well check out this Precision ratcheting screwdriver set From Vim tools it's not just a fine Ratcheting screwdriver

Of course reversible But you can also pull these tips off So now you have a stubby if you need to Or you can swap out to other tips that You already have prepared Also from Vim a legit Impact kit Various tips Hi guys this is Cuban one of the Strongest adhesives on the market you Can see we put a small amount of the Glue on just like that And after just a couple seconds of Holding these two together it'll be Almost permanently bonded Small amount of time A little twist there Now you can see just how strong that is Hold just like that a coupon works great By itself just like that but when it Combined our powder here put a small Amount just out like that and the same Liquid that I just used I'll throw it on Top yeah let's go see we'll come up here That File stand drill it works well in almost Any capacity with Sands extremely high Temperatures extremely high heat let me Show you one more time here I'm gonna put this plastic bag Underneath this piece of plastic Fill it in with a bit of cube on Gonna hit it with the same liquid that I Just used

Same reaction is going to happen there And boom that's cured I can file that plus to this surface And it is completely waterproof petrol Proof air proof work to swim you well in That capacity Here we are in the Atlas Automotive Equipment booth and they have everything You can think of when it comes to Tire And Wheel installation balancing you Name it even into lifting large wheels And tires onto heavy trucks even Cleaning up brake rotors and lug nuts Four post lifts two post lifts Transmission jacks even into air Compressors and large blasting cabinets They have you covered especially when it Comes to tires and wheels and even into Computer balancing Atlas has the Equipment for you and then they're Atlas 7 000 pound quick Bay small car light Truck lift hey what's going on guys 2023 here to talk to You about tablet and the N2 neuron so What I've got right here is the N2 Neuron hooked up to a demo board that's Going to be showing us some battery Tests and alternator tests and I am Bluetooth connected from this unit to Our run and Gun tablet but if you've got Any Android device you can download this Free from the app store today and you'll Have access to all of this so what we've Done with the neuron and the app is

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Turned it into a guided component Testing system so if you work on Vehicles that have batteries alternators Starters ignitions Ignition switches parasitic draws any of That air conditioning systems we have Got a guided System test for you so what Do you do you choose the system you want To test then you choose what aspect of That system you want to test in this Case we are looking at a cranking Voltage on a battery so I'm going to Select my battery cranking and I can Watch a 30 second video That will show you how to set up the Tool where to put the leads on the tool Where to put the leads on the vehicle And what procedures to follow After you do that it will automatically Give you feedback on whether or not that Thing is good or bad and if it is bad Come over here to the text area and you Can read recommendations on how to Repair that what you should look at next And what to do So after you fix the problem You can't confirm the fix so with our Guided component test you select the Test learn the test find the problem and Confirm the fix So going through your entire diagnostic Process on any of these components and Systems the guided component testing Setup will help you and guide you

Through that And if you still need a multimeter There's a full two channel multimeter on Here bolts ohms amps temperature Continuity diode testing and more you Still have your system test built in and We're going to go ahead and head over Here And you can graph waveforms like so Almost a built-in oscilloscope here so If you've got any other meter any other Graphing meter this is what an injector Would look like underneath that graphing Meter but we can actually shut off the RMS functionality or the math function And look at the true waveform like a Scope underneath so with that that is The N2 neuron and your run and Gun Tablet we've got plenty of variations of Kits new bundles and everything else That have come out to the market and Launched here at the Isn show these are Some brand new tools from Ingersoll Rand That will be coming out During this year so we have a Reciprocating saw 8 000 Strokes per minute and one and a Quarter inch stroke we also have a 2 000 Foot pound three quarter inch or one Inch pistol grip 20 volt cordless impact Wrench We have the polishers That these are running off the 20 volt Platform

And then a drill and a hammer drill as Well and this new impact wrench has Their patented circular LED that Surrounds The complete Fastener or a complete Socket Something brand new is their brand new G5351 four and a half inch and five inch Angle grinder runs on their 20 volt Platform has their brushless motor large Paddle switch there making things very Easy to turn on and off regardless of How you're holding the tool looking Forward to seeing this new grinder from Ingersoll Rand and these are their new Compact impact wrenches this is the half Inch version the W3131 very nice looking unit multiple Speeds here three speeds there at the Base of the tool with the push of a Button and obviously they have their Patented ring light that surrounds the Fastener the same ring light is here on This impact driver as well so you get The quarter inch hex impact driver again With multiple speeds there at the base Variable speed trigger as well this Impact driver impact Ridge and the Grinder as well as the 3 8 Anvil impact Wrench are available now Um [Music] You may have seen these if you were at SEMA last year these were all over the

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Place for a vacuum floor pulling Basically what we do is we've got a Vacuum plate right here Drop It To The Ground we designed this I Want to keep the foam off the ground as Much as possible so it'll appear to the Ground so we just attach a strap to it So you drop this down Supply shop air to it and it'll draw Down to the floor as long as there's no Major cracks through the floor it'll Hold we've held this over 1200 pounds of Pressure on this Um we we were at SEMA we didn't have This out at SEMA which is what the Reason we can show this here Um and we were in the process of working On this and what we noticed at SEMA was Everybody that was doing this and there Were there were eight other companies That had this a similar system down Um they were they were pulling off of The Tower Biggest issue of pulling off the off the Tower is You can pull hard enough for that to Release off the ground Okay if you're pulling off the tower and That releases off the ground you could Have anywhere from 500 some of these go 500 pounds some of them go up to 2 000 Pounds of pressure if there's 200 pounds Of pressure going this way and you lose Vacuum this is going to go to the car

The car isn't going to come to it so What we did was we created the ability When this pulls off the ground we're Just transferring The energy Over this Pivot Point So we're using the tower as just a Fulcrum to deliver that energy to the Vehicle this used for dent removal Minor sheet metal Um Adjustments A lot of people are using them for glue Pulling a lot of people are using them With the weld on Keys which are dent Puller provides wiggle wire things like That so it's just a it's a real fishing Method of doing light poles in a body Shop Uh can go anywhere in the shop it Doesn't you don't need to take the Vehicle over the frame machine lock it Down to a frame machine and do your Poles and take this to where the vehicle Is in your the body Tech stall and do The repairs right there we stopped by The Mayhew Booth to see all their great New products including they're made in The USA products like their socket bit Sets that you can buy individually you Can buy them in multiple size kits in Various different forms and even colors Made from S2 tool steel and obviously Chrome Vanadium and chrome Molly as well

They even have made in the USA Screwdrivers that are made right here in Florida so great to see more made in the USA products coming your way from Mayhew And it didn't stop there going to their Dual Drive Socket bits as well and then Into their large pry bar sets their Dominator series pry bars look really Really nice a nice rubber over molded Handles with strike through plates as Well We're here at the vessel booth and they Have an awesome set of screwdrivers of Various sets but one of the coolest Things is they have their high speed Cordless screwdriver regular speed Cordless screwdriver Rechargeable with a USB right here on The screwdriver And then even handheld ratcheting Screwdrivers as well And the cool thing is They come apart and you can use that as A stubby if you need to yeah so really Nice set and even getting into their Regular screwdrivers great feel of the Handle hard tips as well And then even impact ready screwdrivers For the mechanism in there when you hit It it's going to click and move Awesome stuff from vessel [Music]