Work SMARTER & SAFER! EGO 56V Commercial 13-foot Telescoping Pole Saw with 10″ Bar & Chain

Chainsaws and ladders don’t mix. This EGO Commercial Series PPX1000 56V 13-ft telescoping pole saw is an excellent choice for keeping clear of falling branches and bodies. The 10-inch bar and chain with the 56V and brushless motor rip through branches up to 8″ in diameter without issue. Easily extend the aluminum shaft with the twist of the lock. Available on Amazon. #ego #polesaw #amazon #review

EGO Commercial 56V Pole Saw:

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When you got to cut those branches far Away especially up high reach for a pole Saw not a ladder and a chainsaw trust me I've got history to prove It this is the egoo commercial 56v cordless pul saw now you get more Than a 13t reach on this it's the model Number PPX 1000 which is basically the Head unit and then you also have the saw Attachment as well because you can Actually run this unit with a hedge Trimmer as well now I've got history of Uh crushing a couple of vertebrae from Trying to cut a limb on a ladder with a Chainsaw so trust me don't do that reach For a PO saw and why worry about gas and Oil and and worry about you know Cranking things up and starting things When you can have the ego cordless Running on a battery with plenty of Power to cut through the limbs overhead This is the ego 56v commercial Telescoping pul saw now this has a 10-in Bar and chain that we'll take a look at In a moment runs on a 56v battery also Has a brushless motor that's actually up Here at the head it's not down here uh In the base of the unit so the 56 volt Battery is going to mount down here at The base you get more than 13 ft 13.2 ft Of a telescoping action so that you can Reach those far away branches and we'll Measure what it is all the way in as Well as what it is all the way out also

Aluminum pole so light but also durable Nice and stiff and as we mentioned we Get a 10-in bar and chain have an Automatic oiler on here and we have a True stud and bar nut here that actually Retains the tension on the blade so if We need to tighten that up we can loosen This bowl a little bit and then tighten The tensioner just like on a tip typical Chainsaw you know it came to our Attention that we never really looked Under the hood here for you guys to see What we have going On you can see we've cut a few branches Now so typical Barn chain attachment we Can actually flip this over once we use It a few times flip it over get even Wear 72 sprocket this is our Oiler Gasket here which lines up with the hole On the on the bar that actually oils That so you can flip it over either way And it's going to work typical Adjustability or tensioner right here And then of course we have the stud There to retain the Bar they've really set this up nice Because here at the base you can hold it Back here and have a trigger right here At this handle or you can actually hold It more conventional style right here And have a trigger there so depending on The orientation how you want to hold This it determins on which which trigger You would like to grab both triggers you

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See safety triggers to actually head man Switch push that forward then you can Pull the trigger same way back here but Either trigger will operate the saw now The great thing is this acts as a power Head as well so you can actually attach A hedge trimmer onto this as well get That same telescoping action with a Hedge trimmer with such a long saw Obviously we'd want to strap with that Which you get that with the kit and by The way the model number on this is this Portion here is the PPX 1000 and this is The pxx 2500 and if you get it together I Believe it's the ppsx 2504 which comes With the saw uh with the base model the PPX 1000 and uh a 5 amp hour 56 volt Battery and charger obviously you get The the strap as well get a 10in barn Chain with a low curve chain as well as You have your oil tank here and you can Actually adjust uh the how much oil you Want going on to the chain right here so You can actually tune it the way you Want it and also the brushless motor This Dy driving this you get what they Call the metal bucking spikes I really Wouldn't call those bucking spikes but Basically you get a limb poer there or a Hook where you can grab dead Limbs and Pull them out or limbs that are stuck And pull them out as well as a little Bit of grip there if you are wanting to

Kind of push into that limb as you're Cutting and chain speed is 20 m/ second The telescoping action is very easy here On uh this big collar here you turn it To the right to loosen it slide it out Where you want to put it back down and That locks it into place P it back up And push it In and you see you have a Max right There which it actually stops as you're Pulling it out anyway and if you'll look Here on the other end of the pole you'll See the electric connections right here So you can see there's no shaft running Up here just wires that are then Controlling the motor at the other end And hooking this up is very simple just Slide it in you get a mark right there You know that's the top it locks in soon As as it locks in clamp it Down and now you're ready to go so let's Actually measure this and I'm going to Measure from the tip of the blade to This handle here you're right at 8 ft so 8 ft to the front now that's to the tip Of the blade if you looked at the middle Of the blade and you're going to take Off about 5 in there and so you're Looking at 8 ft back here on the back Side of the handle so depending on where You're actually holding this how high on Your body you're holding it is going to Determine how much reach you get but That's 8 ft all the way in so let's move

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It out and see how far we get and now We've got extended all the way Out so the tip of the saw to the front Of the handle 11 FT 1 in back here to The back handle 11 ft 7 in uh and then Obviously back here to the back of the Saw is 13 ft so I guess you can call 13 Ft reach from this back handle but again You're going to extend it even further Depending on how high off the ground You're holding in this based on your Height or how high you hold it on your Body so let's say if you're you know Holding it another 4T High then you Could easily get a 17 ft reach on this And here underneath the base of the unit Is a place for the scrinch so you can Actually store it right here and then as You need to tighten the blade or the bar And chain you can do So now this is a pretty small Limb and It's only about 10 ft off the ground uh You can see get good chain speed and we Get a good brake as well on the electric Motor stopping that blade or that chain Really Quick now this One is About to right There 8 feet and that's at least another Six feet off the ground so we're about 14 ft right there and I want to be back Behind this limb I don't want to be Directly under this as we

Cut And here's a little bit larger of her Limb so we'll give it a Go Oh Now with this 10-in bar and chain we Were actually cutting through stuff that Was bigger than really you should have Been cutting with a pul saw something That should have been reached with a With a high lift or a lift truck or Something like that but anyway we just Wanted to prove that it would cut Through that but not recommended so your Typical 4 and six in limbs that are Overhead this thing's going to cut Through those very easily got plenty of Power to do so did we get it in a bind a Couple of times on those larger ones Yes we did but again we expected to do So we were literally cutting capacity That was beyond the reach of the actual Bar but the ego performed very well and We had no issues just pull the trigger And it goes or should I say triggers Because ego has two Triggers on here That allow you to grab this in whatever Way it works best in that situation Because both of them activate the saw so We really like to see that uh the handle Also allows you to grab this in a few Positions uh of course you get the Lanyard with this as well now let's talk About pricing if you bought these

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Independently the head unit is going to Run you about $400 we saw it for like $3.99 the pole attachment or the saw Attachment is going to run you about $250 now that's $650 combined but you're Not getting a battery or a charger again This is a commercial P saw so you got Nice heavyduty beefy aluminum Construction with easy telescoping Ability now you can also buy this as a Package where you actually get the head Unit the saw a 5 a hour battery and a Charger for $799 so that's probably the Best option especially if you're not on The ego platform already if you are Already on the ego platform and you have Batteries and chargers then by all means Buying these independently May save you A few bucks and then again you can add The hedge trimmer attachment as well hey Be sure to check it out we'll have a Link in the description to these also Keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and if you hated our video well Give us a thumbs down but would you let Us know in the comments why have a great Day keep Smiling