You Know the DRILL! HERCULES Drill Bits from Harbor Freight – Make the Cut?

We try out some HERCULES Drill Bits from Harbor Freight. From Wood to Steel and Masonry, you can get these bit sets from $12 to $55. We found they do a very good job, especially for the money. #tools #review #harborfreight

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If you're not familiar with Hercules Products they can all be found at Harbor Freight that's kind of one of their House Brands and these are all drill Bits today and we're not trying to find The the biggest and the best but are They going to be acceptable job site Bits are they going to work in your shop Are they going to do what they claim to Do and and do that repeatedly and you Know just quite frankly be able to do it Fast enough to uh to make it something That you would want in your toolbag and We've got a self-feed spade bits we've Got B metal hle Saw Set uh we've got Titanium drill bits uh pretty much the Same set over here just a little bit Different and then even masonry bits so Let's go ahead and dig in take a look at Each of these we'll talk about uh uh Performance of them and pricing we'll Use them and uh and just get started Right away first up this is the 10piece Spade bit I believe these sell for $115 At Harbor Freight uh pretty typical self Feed Spade bits they have the the screw Uh Arbor here or that's basically going To handle the self feeding so as you're Drilling in uh and this this expanding Tip or broadening tip there with threads On it that's going to as it spins pull That bit in so you don't really have to Do any pushing you might have to push a Little bit but this should do all the

Drawing in and then we have the typical Spade bit here and we'll see if it not Only drills but also clears out the Chips as they go Then we have a 13 Piece bimetal whole Saw set and we have everything from a 3/4 in Hool Saw up to a 2 and 1/2 in Hool saw and Then I think 2 and 1/4 2 in and 1 and 1/2 this should be 1 and 3/4 yeah 1 and 3/4 and then should be 1 and 3/8 and then 1 and an e and down to to 1 In and 3/4 in we also get two different Arbors and this Arbor is going to work On everything uh that's uh 1 and 3/8 and Larger I don't believe this is going to Work on yeah so when you get down into The uh you know 1 and E and and smaller That's going to work with this Arbor Here now the difference here is that on These larger bits you see they have the Dowel pin holes and what that's going to Aid in is not letting this tighten down On the arbor too tight because you see The threads there uh so I'm going to Pull these you see how those pins stick Up right there I'm going to pull this Collar back and then we're going to put Our bid on and it basically tightens Down and threads on to that Arbor well a Couple of things there number one you Have a o-ring down there so it doesn't Tighten just metal to metal just kind of Comes down and touches the O-ring and

Then what you need to do you need to Actually line up the arbor holes or line Up those Dow pin holes with the dowels Now on this one you can't see through it Like some of the larger Ones as you can see on this one you can Literally see through the holes to see How they line up so this one's a little More difficult in fact let me go ahead And change one out to one we can see Just for this example so I've got my Dow Pins pulled down I'm going to tighten This down to the O-ring not tighten it Too snug and then I'm going to look in Here and try to find where I can line up Those dowels which is right there and Then I'm GNA push this down and now what It's doing it's riding on those dowels It's not tightening on those threads and So that kind of locks it into place no Longer is it you know going to unthread On because we're we have the dowels in There that's locking that bid In so really like that type of Arbor Which by the way this is not impact Driver ready because this is a larger Size than a/ quter inch on these Flats Right here so these are going to be used In your drill preferably a/2 in style Drill probably using a 38 but you may Run out of power um but anyway these are Meant for to be B metal so you should be Able to use this in light metal as well As

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Wood again we get two different Arbors And this set I believe sells for $55 I Think it's $54.99 at Harbor Freight and then we Have these masonry bits that are meant For concrete center block brick and tile So this is not a multi- bit where it Will work in steel or anything like that Um but it should be able to work just Fine from and by the way we get from 38 Uh down to a quarter Inch or actually down to 530 seconds so Uh 53 seconds qu in 3/16 5/16 and 38 In and it says up to five times the life Again this is a a masonry type bit only We'll see how well that works and then We get into the drilling of Steel and different Metals so I Shouldn't just say steel Metals aluminum Steel you name it uh these should work Uh this is their what they're calling Their Hercules blue braid titanium Coating you're starting to see a lot of Titanium Coatings show up on drill bits Uh and it really works it does a good Job at at dissipating heat as well as uh Providing a better cutting path however Any coating is going to wear off it's Not going to be a Cobalt bit so you Cobalts kind of King of the Hill if you Will for most of the time with with Drill bits you also pay quite a premium On that as well this is a 135° point design so it's supposed to be

Able to especially on your larger bits Be able to start that hole without it Walking all over the place so maybe you Don't have to drill that pilot hole and We'll test that out here shortly now it Has three Flats milled into the shank uh So drill ready and is going to help Eliminate that where it's uh where the Chuck doesn't tighten and and it likes To spin so these are not built for your Impact driver However and by the way we get everything From uh looks like 8 inch all the way up To/ inch as well and I like the fact That they provide two or I'm sorry from 16th all the way up to/ inch and uh they Provide two 16th inch as well as two e Inch drill bits usually that E8 inch is Just the first one we Gra grab for some Reason for pilot holes and also for Drilling for for screws uh so the fact That they provide two of those that's That's great to know also two Quin bits As well and this 21 piece set is going To sell for $24.99 or 25 bucks now this Is pretty much uh the same drill bit It's just going to provide that quarter Inch hex shank um so that it's impact Driver ready so you can run these in Your impact driver but I'm pretty sure This is pretty much the exact same drill Bit again their blue braid titanium Coating and 135° point

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Design but just ready for your impact Driver whether it's down to the you know 8 inch or all the way up to a half inch Now this kit is going to run you about 30 bucks so $29.99 for the 21 piece set that's Impact ready I should say impact driver Ready I don't know that it's impact Ready per se but it's just ready for Your impact driver so let's give these Spade bits a run and see what we think So we're going to grab the 1in augur First or 1in spade bit shouldn't say Augur 1in spade bit and you can see There on that self feed it should pull That right in I will start it not in That hole but over here to the side and We'll see that it'll Spin and start to Walk itself in as long as we apply a Little Pressure and now it's putting some Pressure on that drill and now I can Just pull the trigger Let me shift down a Second so as long as you have the power It will pull that bit in and do the Cutting by the way it's clearing those Chips pretty well as Well and we'll step up to the one a Quarter that's the largest in the Group no problem at all so pretty decent Bit Set now we're going to shift to the hola And we're going to grab uh the 2in and

By the way these are variable teeth I'm Going to pull down my Dow pins uh from Four to six teeth per inch typically Those variable teeth help in cut cutting So it doesn't get redundant if you will Again tighten down to that O-ring and Then find those Dowels click that in we should be good To Go As long as you keep it walking to keep Those teeth clear does a great job and By the way it's also slotted I'm not Going to touch that it's probably pretty Warm so we can stick our screwdriver in There and pry out that Plug and there we have It we'll see how it does in steel so now I've got a piece of uh I believe 8 in Flat bar here in the Vise and I'm going To step down to my 1 and8 inch with the Smaller Arbor put a little bit of Lube on There and we'll get this Started so no pilot Hole Okay so we've got our pilot Hole guess I should set my clutch to Drill there we Go And there we go not making the prettiest Straightest hole but typically on your B Metal hole saw um hole saws that's Typically what they'll do is just kind

Of walk around a little bit before it Gets Through and we'll do one More Going a little faster in speed Two so a little faster work in that and Going up to speed too I was not wide Open in speed too but definitely gave it A little more RPM and seemed to cut much Better I'm going to leave the same metal In there go to a 3/8 titanium bit and This one's for the Drill and no pilot hole just see how Well this Does not bad at all I'm going to step All the way up to the/ in bit and and Without a pilot Hole see if we can get this to work Without it Walking so it walked just a second just A really quick walk over if I would have Put a a little dimple in there with a Some type of punch it would not have Done That And there we have it so I probably could Have started it a little Easier like that so if I have started a Little slower it probably wouldn't have Walked at All probably should be using some better Cutting Lube as well And we'll get some Real Steel in here This is I believe 36

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Thick little more of A j job for it to Do So a little tougher job but got through It now let me show you something so you See that Took a little bit of Time to cut through that same test I'm Just going to go with an E8 in drill bit First gets through there in a Heartbeat same half inch bit Much quicker so many times if you'll Just drill a pilot hole you'll get a lot Better performance and not wear out your Bits near as quick by drilling that Simple pilot hole now we've got a center Block here and we'll go ahead and grab Our 38 masonry Bit and we're going to turn it to hammer Mode Now listen I know cinder block is not The hardest thing in the world but a lot Of times that's what you're drilling Into when you're buying these bits maybe Uh you know setting blinds or Drilling In putting concrete anchors in things Like that or uh anchors into walls which Are typically cinder block but sometimes They're filled with concrete as Well A So here's the deal on this I don't Believe that Harbor Freight is trying to

Position any of this to be the top of The Heap uh when it comes to drill bits Whol saws uh masonry bits I think you Can get you know BOS or Diablo masonry Bits that would probably do better maybe Even cut more materials uh but these do Absolutely fine they do well um I think You could get you know Cobalt drill bits That drill faster in steel uh at the Same time they're much more expensive And I think these do a a fine job Remember to drill pilot holes when You're going to a larger bit um you Won't wear out your larger bits in time Are there whole saws that are more Specific to a specific material that may Cut faster uh from you know Diablo maybe Even spider things like that yes maybe Or Milwaukee or DeWalt um but again You're looking at a higher price point So do these get the work done and yes They do so if it's something where You're trying to stay at a you know Minimal cost if you will I think these Are a great option for that yes I'm sure All of these are made in China I'm not For sure but I just assume that they are Um you can get all of these at Harbor Freight and all of these are less than $55 I think the wholesale kit is $55 and Then you go to like 30 25 and 15 um so Some pretty cheap options when you're Needing to do just general stuff and When you need to get specific obviously

This may cost you a little more so check It out for yourselves let us know what You Think