MATCO Tools Electronic Torque Wrench with Angle and Flexible Head

We have the MATCO Tools ETWB100 and ETWC250 3/8″ and 1/2″ Electronic Torque Wrench with Angle. Not only can you torque to 100 and 250 ft-lbs, but you can also add degree of angle. TTY or Torque To Yield fasteners are the norm when it comes to internal engine parts. Whether you’re torquing a cylinder head, main cap, or rod bearing; manufacturer specs probably recommend a certain torque (ft-lbs or Nm), followed up with a certain degree of angle. Having this at your fingertips on the same torque wrench is a huge benefit. #review #torquewrench #tools

MATCO ETWB100 Torque Wrench:
MATCO ETWC250 Torque Wrench:
Rechargeable AA Batteries:

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Matco's electronic torque wrench with Angle and more Electronic torque wrenches have been out For several years now probably even in The decades now however more and more Features keep getting added to them and With the torque to yield Fasteners that Are all over the place when it comes to Especially engine work they're really a Critical tool that most mechanics need Especially if you're busting open Engines on a regular basis now can you Get away with not having one well sure But should you have one probably so Let's take a closer look at matco's Electronic torque wrench we've got the Half inch as well as a 3 8 inch now After we use this we'll actually come Back and talk about what we think of Them and we'll also talk about pricing Well today we have the maroon and the Green Matco torque wrench no I'm kidding It's more than just the colors you can Get these in I think four or five Different colors in each torque wrench Uh but we have the 3 8 drive and the Half inch Drive electronic torque Wrenches with angle and flex heads on Them so in addition to just being Electronic torque wrench we also have a Flexible head that has some movement There that enables you to get in some Tighter spots or at least get you into Spots that might be a little tougher to

Torque the Fasteners otherwise and Adding angle to the electronic as well Enables you to do your TT wire torque to Yield bolts either in most Vehicles Nowadays especially when it comes to Engine parts cylinder heads intake Manifolds exhaust manifolds you name it Most of them have critical Fasteners on It that are to yield now and either you Throw them away or you reuse them but You have to torque them to a specific Foot pounds and and then add the angle As well now let's get these out of their Packages And one thing cool about this is you Have battery slots here in the case Because I will recommend any electronic Torque wrench that you have when you're Storing it away I'd recommend to number One keep them in a case even if you keep It open sometimes you can just take the Uh the top layer off depending on what Torque wrench you have but store it like This in your in your toolbox flat but Put it in the case and then take your Batteries out of it as well because Electronic torque wrenches tend to eat Batteries when they're just sitting I Don't know why so I recommend taking the Batteries out of them and and this case Offers a great spot to put them now if I Ask you what the most valuable thing on This table would be as far as these Torque wrenches go you would probably

Say well the torque wrench and I would Probably argue with you saying that's Probably not the case at least it's not The case without this piece of paper Right here I've said this many times I Would not ever buy a torque wrench new Or used specially used if it didn't come With a caliber racing card and I would Even highly recommend against buying a Used torque wrench unless you absolutely Know the history of it and I would Recommend getting it recalibrated and Many times getting in torque wrench Recalibrated is probably above the worth Of the torque wrench itself Anyway Let's move on so the actual calibration Card of a torque wrench gives it the Value and the worth of the torque wrench Itself because it validates that this Particular torque wrench not the same Model not the line that was you know That hundred that were made but that Specific torque wrench you can see here Model number etwb 100 fkb which tells me That's their 100 foot-pound 3 8 drive Electronic torque wrench and serial Number here's the serial number and it Tells us all the data we need to know That verifies that everything was in Spec on this torque wrench now let's Talk about specs on these torque Wrenches on both the 3 8 drive and the Half inch drive by the way we said that

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This is the etwb 100 fkb this is the Etwb C250 fkbg which the fkbg and the fkb That's that's probably related to the Color so basically it's the etwb-100 and The etwc 250. so this is a 100 Foot-pound torque wrench and 3 8 drive This is a half inch drive 250 pound Torque wrench and when you look at the Tolerance in other words how close to The actual torque number does it get Clockwise faster so in other words Righty tighty lefty Loosey so on Tightening them you're going to be Within two percent of the value and in Counterclockwise so if you have a Left-handed thread faster that needs to Be torqued it's going to be within three Percent so you can see plus or minus two Percent and on CCW or counterclockwise It's plus or minus three percent now if You actually look at the numbers of of This one it actually tells us we're well Within that because this one we're just Over one percent the rest of of these Were under one percent of the tolerance And even down here as well we're almost At zero on many of these so we're almost Dead on it tells us we're torquing the 20 and it actually got 19.79 19.99 19.83 And 19.83 so it tells you the actual Values in testing of what this torque Wrench did Even down here in the angles as well

And down here the accuracy of the actual Angle is within plus or minus one degree Now let's take a look at the 250 foot Bound And you'll see it looks much the same And same here uh under so under one Percent of of tolerance so we're dead on Almost 100 percent even down here yeah We're not even one percent so we're dead On in the actual calibration of this Torque wrench and again this is given The value to these torque wrenches and They recommend you to actually Recalibrate these once a year as well as Within 20 000 Cycles so if you're Actually using this a ton then you may Need to calibrate it every six or eight Months but that is recommended to Recalibrate it each year so make sure When you buy your new torque wrench or You buy a used one That you get the calibration card with It Now one of the cool things about this I Don't know it's that cool but it's a Feature that these are reverse thread Here on the cap so I guess that's so you Don't accidentally just you know run it Off so you have to intentionally take That off when it's reverse thread like That and put the batteries in we'll hear It beep Foreign Do the same here

And you can see the cap is not just Plastic threads It looks like brass There we go now the length of this 3 8 Drive is I believe right at 18 inches Yeah so a little over 18 inches about 18 And a half inches and the half inch Drive is 25 inches so a little over two Feet for the half inch and a little over 18 inches for the 3 8 drive as I Mentioned we get a flexible head here Looks like probably I don't know five Degrees or so of movement So that's very nice again getting in Let's say you're putting a cylinder head On while it's on the truck or in a car You can get to some of those Fasteners Without having to uh to remove things so That helps a lot of times very Comfortable handle and ergonomics here As far as holding the tool as well as Easy to understand interface so I can Power the Torque wrench on and first thing you you See is you saw lights we actually can Feel it actually vibrating you hear it Buzzing you're getting all that feedback In various forms from it vibrating to it Blinking at you showing you different Colors so alerting all those senses as You come up on that critical phase of Actually torquing that faster and as you Can see here a maximum of 100 Foot-pounds so five to a hundred foot

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Pounds and we can change our units of Measurements as well we can change the Mode that we're in whether we're doing Angle And so we could say Peak or track I like To keep it on Peak We can also go through presets so we can Have nine different presets so for all The time you know torquing certain Intake manifolds or certain exhaust Manifolds head head bolts things like That we can actually have Presets in there even in the angle mode As well So you can see there's our 80 degrees so We can go from zero to 360 degrees of Angle also we have a battery display There telling us how much battery charge We have left in there which by the way These actually come with double a Batteries I like to actually run Rechargeable batteries in them then I Can throw them in the charger and Recharge them when they're not in the Tool and then I know they're always Charged just Small token of advice for you We'll power up the big one here and Again you see the lights displaying and We'll show this in use in one second as Well by the way when you're in angle Mode or when you're actually using an Electronic torque wrench and you first Turn it on or you're setting angle you

Want to make sure that the tool is laid Down and nice and still and I can set my Degrees And then start using the tool as I need It You can see I go from inch pounds to Newton meters to angle mode Foot pounds inch pounds newton meters And it's going to go back to angle So very easy to use this tool if I want To turn it off just hold the power Button down and it's going to turn off Both the heads on the half inch and the 3 8 have a 72 tooth design so that gives You a five degree swing Arc now here's a Pretty good example of needing a 3 8 Drive as well as a half inch Drive Torque wrench so this is an LS based Motor so it doesn't matter whether it's A 4.8 all the way up to a 6.2 unless It's like an LS7 or an ls9 all these Main caps are going to be pretty much Identical as well as the torque specs on Them but what I'm saying is these have To be torqued in different values so all Of the inside and the outside main caps Get torqued at 15 foot-pounds at the First pass then on the second pass so First let's talk about 15 foot-pounds This half inch Drive torque wrench will Not go down to 15 foot-pounds in fact I Think the lowest it will go is 25 Foot-pounds so we'll see here Crank this up

There's 250 yet so yes we can go to 15 Foot pounds so sorry about that I Thought this was 25 foot-pounds but 15 Foot-pounds up to 250 a lot of your half Inch Drive torque wrenches will not go That high so it makes sense to use a 3 8 Well Matco way to go we can actually go Down to 15 foot-pounds anyway so let's Just use the 3 8 drive so we're going to Turn it on and we'll go down to 15 Foot-pounds but my point is after that We have to actually add the angle and on The insides we add 80 degrees and on the Outsides we only add 51 degrees however When we're taking it that far there Could be a potential that with the 3 8 Drive we go beyond that hundred foot Pounds and the cool thing about this is When we actually add the angle it will Also tell us the overall torque value as Well so let's go ahead and make our First pass And I'll just do these last three here So you have 15 foot pounds And we'll see here see we're green which Means we're really safe the closer we Get now we're yellow And then we're going to go red Now we're at 14 there we go so now we've Reached our 15.3 foot-pounds it vibrated It showed us a red light heard it we Heard an audible chirp or audible beep So getting all those senses with the Torque wrench knowing that we hit our

Value let's go to this one Got that one Nice smooth pull 15.2 foot pounds Yup went over quite a bit there with 17 Foot-pounds anyway so we made our first Pass at 15 foot-pounds on the inners and Outers I'm gonna lay it down here And on the enters we need 80 degrees so We'll go to 80. so we'll go to our Smaller socket we're going to do the Inners at 80 degrees And here on this engine stand I can Reach around wherever I need to and I've got all the room in the world To make this happen So there's 81 degrees right there Okay we'll do this one now One smooth pull which is what is really Recommended but let's say again you're Underneath this vehicle you've put a Crank in this thing maybe some rod Bearing something like that we pieced it Back together and we don't have that Full range of motion the cool thing is It will keep track of that so if I give A pull And I get to 37 degrees and I need to go Back and start pulling again as soon as It senses pressure now it's adding back To that value once more And there we have and you can see again It's telling me 80 degrees and 63

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Foot-pounds overall There's 60 get another bite at it And go to 80. Now for the larger Fasteners I'll change Over here To my half inch Drive And here I'm going to need 51 Foot-pounds So there's 51 or 51 degrees I'm sorry so We've torqued the 15 foot-pounds now We've got 51 degrees And so now I can do my outers at 50 at 51. A little bit easier with this larger Torque wrench Here we go Get the same audible beef audible chirp As well as the lights and the vibration Love these torque wrenches So really love the idea that not only Can we do the angle but we can also do It kind of in bite-sized pieces as well If we do 20 degrees here come back get 20 more degrees and then do the final 11. So let's talk about pricing first the Half inch version is going to set you Back about 700 I believe the price is 6.93. now you may be able to find it on The truck for a little bit cheaper or You may be able to get it for 15 20 Bucks a week the 3 8 version is going to Run you about 80 bucks cheaper so it's Like 623 uh for the 3 8 drive the great

Thing about these is not only are they Adding angle to it as well which again Nothing really new but you're adding all The senses of the vibrating handle as Well as the different colored lights as Well as the audible chirp and you can Actually see it on the screen as well And the fact that it's enabling you to Do your job a little easier a little Better with having the flex head in it As well as with the angle of you being Able to not have to do it all at once You've been able to add to it go back Get another sweep at it now I still Highly recommend that all is all of that Is done in one motion and and no one Would argue with that aspect that if you Can do it in one motion by all means do It many times again when you're working On these cars under hood you just can't Do that so the ability for it to keep Track of that and then add to it as you Put more pressure on it is great we Really like these tools highly recommend You take the batteries out of them when You are done using them and that's not Just the Matco if you've got electronic Torque wrench I recommend at least take The cap off if you take the cap off it Shouldn't drain the batteries but the Cases have a nice place to put the Batteries also recommend get some Rechargeable batteries and then you know They're always charged you can take them

Out put them in the charger and then you Know they're always topped off so check Them out for yourself also keep track of Us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tick Tock and if you don't mind Would you hit that like And subscribe Button if you haven't done so already And by all means if you hated our video Well give us a thumbs down but would you Let us know in the comments why have a Great day keep smiling