Are You Seeing This?! New Makita Outdoor Adventure 18V LXT Tools

Thanks to @acmetools for providing these @MakitaToolsUSA Outdoor Adventure 18V LXT Tools. #sponsored Ready for the outdoors, these new olive-green tools from Makita are powered by the tried and true 18-volt LXT batteries.

Makita ADMCU10 12″ Top Handle Chainsaw:
Makita ADCM501 LXT Coffee Maker:
Makita 18V LXT Starter Pack:
Makita ADML812 18V LXT LED Spot Light:
Makita ADRM06 18V LXT Bluetooth Radio:
Makita ADCF203 9-1/4″ Oscillating Fan:
Makita ADML811 18V LXT LED Area Light:

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Makita teal blue or olive drab Thanks to Acme Tools for sponsoring this Video they reached out to us and said We've got a lot of exciting Makita tools In their new outdoor adventure line can We send you some we thought about it for A second went yes please please do And here we go so let's quit talking We'll dive in take a look at each of These and you may be thinking well Tim I Think Makita is usually like a teal blue Teal green whatever you call that and You are correct however they're pushing This outdoor adventure line which is now In the olive green or I think some say Olive drab or the green drab or army Green or however you want to say that But you know what not all of them are in That color but let's get started so First up on the Makita Outdoor Adventure Series is the 18 volt lxt nine and a Quarter inch fan it will run on any lxt 18 volt battery and we get three Different Power modes Low is very quiet by the way uh medium And high you're going to hear it a Little more and the cool thing about This fan is the fact that we can Oscillate it as well and it's going to Oscillate at 90 degrees So 45 degrees one way and then the other And also you can index it where you want To so right now it's kind of doing an Even oscillation as far as facing us but

If I wanted to change that I could click It around and now it will Only to get only go 90 degrees from There and then turn back so again you Can index where you want the oscillating To happen from and then of course you Can turn that off if you want to as well Now the other cool thing is we have one Two and four right here with a little Clock that tells us basically we can set This to run for one hour two hours or Four hours and then shut off so you're Camping you want to run the fan for a Little white noise or just to cool off And you know later on it's going to be Cool and you're not going to wake up Then you can go ahead and set that for An hour or two let that run blow on you And then and then it will automatically Shut off saving that battery for later You also get 90 degrees up and then 40 To 5 degrees down so you can blow that Air down a little bit if you need to or Again face that where you need it and Then obviously you can position that Without oscillating it wherever you want To as well You can get up to 16 hours of run time On a 5 amp hour battery and also Included is a plug-in adapter where you Can plug this in on the back Right here plug that in the port and Then plug it into a wall or to an outlet Extension cord and run as long as you

Have power you also have a hole here in The back where you can actually check The status of the battery or the charge Of the battery Price on this is 129 dollars for the Bear tool and you get a three year Warranty Foreign This is the Makita Bluetooth radio They also have a just a Bluetooth Speaker but this is the Bluetooth Speaker and radio It is the adrm06 You'll see here on the back I can flip This up open this compartment here and We have a nice waterproof seal back here In the back First we have An adapter that we can plug that in if We want to We have double a batteries And I can tell here it will run on their Their Old Post Style 12 or 14 4 batteries as well as their Cxt platform of batteries Or you can run the lxt 18 volt batteries As well we also get a seal around here That's going to seal for dust and water Intrusion so you get a nice waterproof Seal On that radio Get a blue LED light on the LCD screen Easy to read that And we also get twin three and a half

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Inch side firing speaker so in other Words you have a speaker on either side Dispersing the sound out either side And then we also have An antenna that we can direct In whatever way we need to to get the Best reception because we do have this As a radio not just a Bluetooth speaker So we can connect to our mobile device We can also Connect to FM radio as well And here in the battery compartment We have a little door right here And that's where our double a batteries Are going to go And that's going to help store any Presets that we have in here after we Set up our radio and set the presets on Here so even if we don't have a battery In there those double a batteries will Keep all those presets in store Here on the front we have an auxiliary In As well as over here we have a USB type A port out So you can charge off of this as well as Use the aux in for uh for connecting Manually to your phone or you can go Through Bluetooth You will get up to 28 hours of run time On a 5 amp hour battery and 11 hours of Run time on a 2 Amp Hour battery and Price on this is a hundred and sixty Nine dollars and you get a three year

Warranty Now powering all these great tools Are the 18 volt lxt battery And you can buy these in a starter pack For the outdoor adventure system And it comes with the four amp hour Battery And the Makita dc18 RC charger Now if you know anything about Makita They are very keen on charging batteries And building Chargers the right way Meaning they're going to cool their Batteries when they're charging so They're not going to superheat or Overheat their batteries when you're Charging them in fact when you put them On the charger you will get a series of Beeps as well as illuminations here that Show you the status So when I put this battery on It's doing a check as well as if you Have this close You can hear a fan running in here Because the fan is running to keep the Battery cool as well as to keep the Components cool in the charger and you Can see here I have a solid green light It's not flashing so we have a charged Battery And indeed that is the case this is Already fully charged but you'll see Here in the charger you have some ports Right here kind of a grate on there our Screen we have some ports right here in

The battery and when you slide this on Those line up And actually circulates air through the Battery and through the charger keeping Everything cool while it's charging the Battery so it's not overheating the Cells or overheating the pack when it's Doing so Now this combo pack right here will be a Hundred and eighty five dollars for the Four amp hour battery and the charger And they're covered under a three year Warranty Now this is a pretty cool one right here This is their coffee pot and in fact I'd already had this unit and it works Very well So included in this You also get a cup A nice Makita stainless cup with the lid On it Slide out here Screen for your coffee grind so you Don't have to have a little coffee Filter that screen is going to act as Your filter so it's reusable so you fill Out in your Fill it with your favorite coffee slide It in Open up the door Pull out the container of water fill That up Put that back in And over here this is where again

We can run a cxt battery and it's Labeled right there Or We can run an lxt 18 volt battery Very simple operation basically turn it On and it will go once it senses water In there it will start percolating and Actually create your coffee I will tell You that heating an element and heating Water does not just take a little bit of Energy it takes quite a bit so you will Go through some batteries if you're Making a lot of cups of these but a Really cool unit very compact very cool That it comes you know with the cup that You can reuse the the coffee strainer in There it's a really cool little unit That again runs on either the cxt or the Lxt 18 volt platform In fact Makita claims that it will make Three cups of coffee on a 5 amp hour Battery And the price on this is a hundred and Twenty nine dollars for the bear tool as You see it without the batteries and you Get a three year warranty Now this is one here that I really Really like Even though I've never used it kind of Sorta This is the adcu 1-0 and this is their 12 inch top handle chainsaw kit you Actually you can get this in a kit That comes with the charger

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And the four amp hour battery And the bar and chain Organ chain bucking spikes And the Makita bar so you get a 12 inch Bar 12 inch chain you can also run this With other eight or ten inch bars as Well you even get a handy carrying bag For it you get automatic Oiler but you Can also adjust how much oiling you want To be done so if you feel like you're Not getting enough lubrication on the Barn chain you can turn this Counterclockwise to provide more oil or Shut it down a little bit going Clockwise to give less oil I really love This chainsaw tell you why here's its Cousin right here The xcu-06 that I've been using for Years and it's a great little saw The top handle chainsaw is probably my Favorite a top handle is my favorite for Carrying around and cutting small limbs So cutting your four and even six inch Limbs and smaller this is a perfect saw For doing that it's very handy however You do have to be extremely careful Because it feels almost like a extension Of your hand so you have to be careful Not to put that other hand out there in The blade area and make sure you've got It on the handle and also using that Chain break when you have the tool off Now it's a very quick saw and and when I Say very quick it's not the most

Powerful in the world but it's not meant To be it is a top handle small chainsaw That's supposed to be equivalent to like A 22cc gas but it ramps up very quickly So you're going to turn the power on Here then you have to depress this Pull the trigger And it's going to very quickly come up To speed Now we'll fast forward through this as We install the blade here Foreign So we have a single bar retaining nut But I do like the fact that it's Actually a stud and nut that's retaining That bar even though it's just a single On a small top handle chainsaw like this That doesn't bother me on a larger Chainsaw I like to see a double stud but That's okay it will be fine here I like The fact that I have a stud and nut There and not some self tightening thing I really don't like those and with the Studs still a little bit loose now we Can set the tension on the blade Make sure there's a little bit of slack In there even even though the first time You want to set it up pretty tight Because it's going to loosen up quickly Tighten that up And now Keep everything clear Brake on power on So in about a second it's up to full

Speed and that's what I like about this Saw very quick you can cut through those Smaller limbs very quickly let off and That Chain break Or that electronic break Is going to engage and stop that saw Pretty quickly and then obviously with That on you're going to get no movement With that Chain break on It's a really cool unit that's going to Run you about 239 dollars for the bare Tool for the kit with the four amp hour Battery and the charger it's going to Run 319 dollars and you get that three Year warranty with the saw And then finally here We have the Makita Adlm812 and it's the Outdoor Adventure 18 volt lxt LED flashlight spotlight So you see you get a lot of rotation Here out of this unit so it can point Straight up if you want it to Straightforward if you wanted to an Index in three other locations as well You even get An area where you can hang this if you Need to Or fold that out of the way You also have a lanyard here on the back Side Where you can hook to the lanyard that Comes with it and then you even get a Hanging hook with that lanyard so we get Three different modes we have a power

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Button right here as a trigger so Use your trigger to turn it on and then Your mode button down here at the bottom To select between the different modes Nice rubberized coating around all the Edges very ergonomic handle so easy to Carry we also have a looks like a Lanyard hook right there as well so we Have it right here as well as down here If we hold the mode button down we can Also go into the strobe effect sorry About that driving some people crazy I'm Sure I can't stand that but we get four Different modes so we get a 600 lumens In Spotlight mode a thousand lumens in Flood mode and 1250 lumens in the spot Flood mode where basically we're turning On both the flood and the spot And you're getting over 700 yards in the Spot and spot flood mode and again we Said the 90 degree pivoting head on here As well a 5 amp hour battery will run This for up to seven hours and we also Get dust and water resistance for Operation and any of our harsh Environments now price on this is a Hundred and nineteen dollars for the Bear tool and again a three year Warranty And last up Is the 18 volt lxt LED area flood light Now this light here comes with the base Obviously we can swivel this more than 180 degrees where we want it

And we have a cord wrap right here Because Not only will this run On an lxt 18 volt battery And stay sealed in the compartment but Also if we have 120 volts nearby we can Plug this in and now in perpetuity Have all the light we want by plugging That in a standard outlet or an Extension cord Convenient handle that folds away as Well And then a power button as well as a Mode or brightness button as well We get three modes at Three thousand lumens on high 1500 Lumens on medium and 750 lumens on low With up to 2.7 hours with a 5 amp hour Battery and that's on high And up to 11 hours of continuous Illumination on a 5 amp hour battery With it on low and it's ip65 for water And dust resistance to make sure that We're not getting in any water intrusion And the electronics or in the battery as You can see on this compartment here we Have a seal all the way around it Keeping things nice and dry inside that Compartment as well as staying clean Price on this is a hundred and ninety Nine dollars and you get a three-year Warranty so thanks again to Acme Tools For sending all these great Makita tools And sponsoring this video we'll have a

Link in the description for each of These tools if you so choose to buy them And I'm telling you some of them are Really cool and listen I kind of dig the The olive drab it's definitely a Different take on your typical Makita Blue green teal whatever you want to Call it so check out each one of these Also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tech talk if You don't mind would you hit that like And subscribe button and if you hated Our video then let us know in the Comments why have a great day keep Smiling