DeWalt DCF510 20V Sealed Head Cordless Ratchet Review

This is the newly released DeWalt DCF510 20V Max Sealed Head Cordless Ratchet. You get 2 changeable anvils in 3/8″ and 1/2″. Two spring-loaded detents keep the anvil securely located, so you can use any typical sockets.

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DeWalt DCF510GE1 20V Cordless Ratchet Kit:

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Do you need a sealed head ratchet DeWalt Thinks you do let's check it out So this is the DeWalt DCF 510 you can Get this as a bare tool as you see it Here with these two anvils or you can Get it at a kit with a power stack Battery a charger and the bag as you see Here now let's dive in and take a closer Look At what this sealed head ratchet Actually has to offer much more than We've said so far and then we'll Actually use this and we'll come back And talk about pricing warranty and what We think of it well what do we have from DeWalt today Something we've actually been waiting on For a few weeks now Foreign This is the 20 volt Max brushless 3 8 And half inch sealed head ratchet this Is the kit that comes with the charger With the 20 volt power stack battery Which this actually very much Complements this tool and we'll go over That here in one moment but brushless Cordless ratchet sealed head unit so got A little different head design on it With different switch so kind of like That we'll see if we uh we like it by The end and it comes with Interchangeable anvils and you can see Here that you know there's some other Things going on as well so we'll go over

All of this and kind of dig into the Details here but we have been waiting to Get our hands on this because we thought It looked pretty cool and had some great Features one of the standouts is Something that typically when we're Looking at a cordless ratchet we really Care less in a sense shouldn't say care Less but anyway this has 75 foot-pounds Um which is a big claim for a cordless Ratchet most of most of them come up Very short on their claims when they Claim big numbers on uh on a cordless Ratchet because this is not an impact Wrench and we don't think of it as one And we don't expect it to be one we want It to run nuts and bolts in and out and On and off and uh and be happy with that And it not be an impact wrench or a Right angle impact wrench if you want a Right angle impact wrench then Buy a right angle impact wrench anyway So let's get started here this is the DCF 510 let's take a closer look all Right so we know it's a 20 volt Brushless sealed head ratchet and Obviously if we're calling it a sealed Head ratchet it's because I'm assuming The head is sealed and as you can see They are taking a little different Approach to the Head design on their Cordless ratchet So basically your anvils push out they Have two detents on either side which I

Like that so there's actually a balanced Feel it's not just kind of rocking on That on that one detent and it firmly Goes in firmly comes out so it locks Into place you can see on the inside in Here there's a kind of a Groove in every Flat that allows those detents to go in Any of those places or at least in two Of the places each time it goes in so it Locks firmly into place and you push the Button that releases the detents And it comes out rather easily so you Can see here when I press this These detent balls can actually go Inside and hide away and then once I Release it actually pushes those back Out so again I like that process and the Cool thing about this is what this Allows you to do when you have this Pass-through design is now your typical Way where you'd have your trigger here And your Anvil sticking up if I want to Change that so I need to reorient maybe I'm trying to get a fan blade loose Something like that I can actually push This out flip it around here and now all Of a sudden my button is on this side And my Anvil is sticking out that side So you can really Orient this in a Difference of 180 degrees to accomplish The task at hand if you will Now granted when you do that now all of A sudden you put the the switch in the Way of whatever you're working on but

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It's pretty low profile and shouldn't Get in the way it does stick up a bit But probably going to be pretty safe and By the way that's a very firm switch so It's not just going to accidentally hit Something it's got a ledge there that Kind of locks it into place and you can Push it over so like the firm feel of That switch but it is just sticking up Just a touch further than I would like It to but I doubt that's going to be a Big problem It does come with the 3 8 Anvil as well As the half inch Anvil as well as I Mentioned if you get the kit you can get It with this power stack 20 volt battery Which is your stack of lithium versus Your uh order cylindrical cells Um so this was their first stab at the Power stack was with this pack right Here which is a great unit when it comes To keeping things Slim So I like to see That you can also get the charger with It if you get the kit and the bag now a Lot of times on these long skinny tools Like ratchets These you know square pack batteries Kind of take a maybe a back seat to a Smaller more cylindrical type of a 12 Volt type of battery but in this case With the power stack you're really not Sticking out that much yes it's going to Get in the way a bit but again the Ability to flip that Anvil around

Different ways is going to keep this a Lot Slimmer than your typical larger Packs or your typical you know one way Anvil and not being able to switch that One thing I did notice is you've got a Little grease Port right here so I'm Assuming at some point in maintenance You'll want to grease that and keep that Unit nice and lubricated now I really Didn't see anything in the manual on how To do that but I'm assuming that would Be the service centers that would handle That we get a trigger lock here so we Have a push button for a trigger that You know it's about two fingers wide or About a finger and a half wide so you Can actually reach and and several Different ways to to reach that but it's Not a paddle switch you do just get a Push button trigger and then you have a Lockout right here where you can Actually lock that trigger out and keep That from being pressed so if you're Throwing the truck or throw it in the Toolbox you can press that lock button And make sure you're not you know Wearing that battery down by the button Accidentally being pushed LED light Right here on the front once the button Is pushed that's going to shine and help To shine light on the faster I would Have liked to seen a second LED here on The top so again if you are flipping That Anvil over but that's not a huge

Deal I don't see this as a a flashlight Or a work light so that would just be Beneficial and not uh detrimental if you Will for not having it Now as we mentioned the power is Supposed to be 75 foot-pounds and speed On this is supposed to be up to 300 RPM And we do get a variable speed trigger So we can make this go pretty slow if we Want to Or wide open At the no load speed of 300 RPM We get a weight on this with the battery Three pounds six ounces That's probably as light as you're going To get uh Without the battery two pounds 10 and a Half ounces So again with the power stack battery Which is going to be a lot lighter than Say your 5 amp hours Less than three and a half pounds so It's not going to be a real heavy tool That's going to bother you and it does Seem quite balanced with that power Stack you can see the pivot point being Right there almost dead center of the Tool is pretty balanced right there is Balanced so pretty easy tool to hold in Your hand Regardless of uh whether it's a little Heavy or not and length of this To the back of the battery You're looking at almost 16 inches more

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Like 15 and three quarter inches This way So from the back of the battery the Front of the tool yeah right at 15 and Three quarters of an inch It's a little shorter than 16 inches and By the way check this out we got a LED Tape measure So if I were measuring this at night I Mean What more could you ask for right Pretty cool idea actually for a tape Measure Shameless plug on the DeWalt LED Tape measure there now I was very Interested to see what the size is on The pass-through here where these anvils Go in And I figured it might be 15 millimeter But I was wrong it is actually 5 8 or Right at 16 millimeter so you can see Here that a 5 8 wrench goes on that Foreign ER wrench goes on there a little looser But the 5 8 fits on there quite nice so That would be the size of basically your Internal Dimensions here on the hex what I would like to see on that is I would Like to see some sockets made so that You wouldn't have to use an anvil that Maybe it just slid into place like some Others have done so maybe we'll see that From the max side from the more you know Mechanic side of the of the company so Would love to see that to see some low

Profile sockets made that just go Straight in without having to use an Anvil otherwise you're having to use a Low profile socket and I'll show you What I mean right here so here's a set Made by Sun X so pretty well known name In the industry uh but and I can put Those sockets in there and it's still Nice and low profile but just think if This hex nut here was made at the right Dimension and that would actually slide In and how much Slimmer that profile Would be On that socket and being able to reach Those Fasteners so again not a negative Per se just would love to see maybe some Further development on the accessory Side and actually seeing some sockets That would more fit the profile of the Head itself and since we have our Calipers out let's go ahead and get a Measurement across this head uh Yeah so 38 millimeters or one and a half Inches Across And as far as thickness goes Right at one inch as far as thickness Now I have noticed some comments on These new ratchets of asking when They'll see an extended reach version of This and I would agree with that I think This would be very beneficial to have an Extended reach version of this ratchet Like the sealed head design it is a a

Little bit thick there but I think it Will come in very handy again with the Ability to uh to swap those anvils from One side to another now let's see how Well they hit their numbers on the Torque okay here we are pretty simple We're going to torque these Fasteners And then see if we can't break it free With the DeWalt and let's just make sure We still have a full power stack battery Let's get these torqued so we're going To start at 10 foot pounds and go 10 20 30 40 50 60 and 70 foot-pounds Okay it's rated at 75 foot-pounds so we Intend to break all these free actually I don't I don't think it's going to get Through all these and I'll I won't be Surprised so You're gonna reverse And 10 foot pounds And that's what I figured so and you see I'm I'm trying not to do any user input And just brace this against the bottom Hit the trigger and Let It Go Now sometimes you can kind of let it be In kind of an in-between state of the Teeth and let it get a little bit of a Running start like that and it went Ahead and broke those free Okay Give it a few shots here again a little Loosey-goosey and Let it get a running start And I still

Yeah several pulls of the trigger still Not getting it So again let it get a little bit of a Run and it will break that free I don't Think that was fair to really give it That but that was 50 foot pounds this is 60. and again you can see with the pull Of trigger I'm not knocking DeWalt on that at all Because I see this across the board with Cordless ratchets that very rarely if at All do they meet or exceed the numbers They're claiming I don't know how they Test those but it's not a big concern of Mine my big thing is can I put it on This fastener Run it down or the opposite Break it free and then run it off so That's my big thing is is it going to Live About somebody that's you know working On brake caliper and they need to break It free and the tool won't do it So you got to put that Manual up in there to break it free and Then run it off so that's what I'm Looking for in a ratchet I'm not not Looking for a torque monster so I'm not Surprised it didn't break those free And others say that well you got to do NASCAR style where you get it rolling And put it on there And I get that That's just cheating the system so

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Really not proving any power from the Tool I don't think that's using some Speed and inertia to get that uh faster To start going regardless I think this Is a pretty cool tool Um I think that uh has decent power it Definitely has decent power I like the Sealed head unit you are sacrificing a Little size in the thickness as well as The breadth of that would love to see Some sockets that are made for that head One more thing we're going to do let's Run these back on I'm going to take our torque wrench and Set it at 100 foot pounds So I've got these first three set at 100 Foot-pounds well I know that the Ratchet's not going to break those free So I want to know can I manually provide The input without having any Flex in This tool Because I know that's what's going to Happen Foreign Yeah just break those free and now I can Run those off So it really wasn't feeling any Flex in That ratchet as I grabbed a hold of it Providing that manual input that's one Of the most important things to me on a Cordless ratchet is being able to do That and then use the speed to pull Those off So one thing we didn't talk about is

Kind of the size of the unit compared to Their existing ratchet and as you can See here here's the existing or I Shouldn't say existing both of these Exist but this is they're a little bit Older brushless half inch ratchet and You can see it's about an inch shorter Than the new sealed head version and the Heads a little bit bigger and and then Tapers down obviously a more Conventional style but that'll give you An idea of the length of this ratchet Obviously we showed you the actual Length of it as well the other thing is We'd really like to see as we mentioned Some sockets developed that actually Coincide exactly with the inside Hexagonal Figuring of the uh yeah anyway sockets That actually go into the ratchet itself And allow you to have a lot Slimmer Profile we love the aspect of the power Stack battery fitting with this because It gives it a much Slimmer profile uh Enabling you to get into more places and The ability to swap these anvils out From one side to the other will Definitely also give you more Flexibility when it comes to getting in Tight places now pricing on this is 249 Dollars for the bare tool with a three Year warranty and if you want the kit as You see here it's going to be 349 and the kit and the bear tool both

Come with the 3 8 and the half inch Anvil check it out for yourself also Keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock if you don't Mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video you know the drill let us know In the comments why have a great day Keep smiling