How To Remove Broken Manifold Bolts with the EZ Stud Out Kit [REVIEW]

This EZ Stud Out Kit makes removing broken exhaust manifold bolts much easier. The thick aluminum templets align perfect with the broken bolts on the GM LS, Small Block, Big Block, and even the newer LT motors. A quick zap of the welder and you can remove the broken bolt with ease. #ezstudout #howto #diy #review

EZ Stud Out – GM Master Kit:

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Removing broken exhaust manifold bolts Has never been fun well maybe until [Music] Now this is the GM Master kit from Easy Stud out now this is for removing broken Exhaust manifold bolts on the small Block Chevrolet the big block chevrol And even the ls as you see here on this Head and then they even have their Newest which is the LT series of engines From 2014 up now you use this in conjunction With your welder and in fact they have a Flexible MIG welding tip as well to help You get in those tight areas when Obviously uh these heads are still on The motor still inside the car now let's Face it that's where the real difficulty Begins if You' got it on a workbench Like we do then you could possibly drill It out uh weld a Nutt on to it um Several different ways to remove exhaust Manifold bolts however I think this is The best way to do it with a lot of heat From a welder get that welder turned up And I like the fact that these are Basically covering up your ports uh Because the exhaust manifold is going to Be off to be able to use this but let's Take a closer look and use this and see What you think and then we'll come back And talk about what we think about it Well with a company named like easy stud Out it's pretty easy to figure out what

We're going to be doing here but they Have basically taken something that this Is a process that's been used for who Knows decades for sure uh but they've Made it easier um maybe simpler for sure And uh maybe even you know less mistakes With this type of system and basically It's removing broken studs from exhaust Manifolds and U probably other things Too egts I believe on the Diesels uh so There's various other kits that they Make but specifically uh this is their GM kit in fact it's it's several Different types of of GM exhaust manifold stud out Kits this is the I believe they're Calling it their GM Master kit this is a Brand new one basically this is for the LT series of engin so in this kit we Have three different series we have the GM big block as you can tell by the huge Ports there uh and then we have this is The LS Series so this is going to cover Everything from a 4.8 all the way up to The 62 so your 6.0 leader your 5.7 you Know early LS Series as well is uh your 5.3 L they all going to be covered with This one and then this is going to be Your GM small block so going back from What 1955 all the way up till uh early 2000s they were still running small Blocks um so that will cover that series Of engines so this will cover quite a Few decades and this is going to be your

Latest series of engines on the gas side Um another cool thing they have is Basically a Flexible Mig adapter so you actually put This onto your existing Mig torch and it Enables you to get in a you know tighter Area kind of bend around the corner if You need to to get to that stud we'll go Over that here in a moment as well so You can buy these all independently or You can buy them in a kit like you see Here and by the way don't just think GM They also make these for for Fords uh Fords have this problem as well as well As your Chrysler products as well your Dodges uh your RAM Trucks things like That and these kits will come not only With uh the little templates there but Also with these little nuts and I'll Show you what's going to happen here in A moment so these little nuts no threads On them and they have a little shoulder On them as well and then even an in ball Mill or an inur bit if you will uh to Clean up the area where you're about to Weld so let's take a closer look Specifically spefically on this LS head Here here is a typical GM LS head this Is a cathedral Port head but as far as The exhaust side of things they're all Going to be identical from the 4.8 all The way up to the 62s again Port size May change but as far as the Configuration of the the bolts in here

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And by the way on the gmls they are Bolts and not studs some of the others Will have studs and maybe sticking out a Little further uh but for the most part GM uses bolts on their exhaust Manifolds and most of the time Especially here on the ends on either End these are typically broken when you Get them out uh or when you remove the Exhaust manifolds and a lot of times That's where they're leaking as well now We've got three broken ones in here this One on the end this one here in the Middle and this one here uh next to the End now here's the cool thing this is a GM 48t and that's basically the LS Series now if you look you think well It's not a full set there uh so how are We going to do all six of the actual Fasteners well because right here it Lines up and then all we have to do is Flip it over and it lines up there so It's kind of siese if you will so it's Going to line up either on these two Ports or if you need to do these two you Just flip it Over and then you can get to it there Now if you'll notice this does have a Front and the back side and the back Side is basically going to be for these Little nuts to to sit in there and we'll Go over that here in one moment and on The front side you're going to have this Tapered area and that's so you can get

Basically your your torch in there and That's going to Center that up your Mig Torch and to make sure that you're Actually welding there in the center cuz You could you're going to weld that Blindly um so make sure that you get Your tip all the way in there and then We're going to make sure our welders hot Enough and go ahead and weld that spot But anyway so what we want to do is we Want to take these little nuts here Which as I showed you has a little Shoulder on it and that shoulder is Going to go to the inside of that Insert so that you got a flush area back Here now this may want to fall out so What they've Included is a little bit of Grease now You could use your own grease not a Problem uh but just take a little bit of This and and we'll go ahead and do this Side first uh so we want to do this one And this one so I'll put a little bit of Grease Here and that's going to help hold that In Place and if you want to do this fast You could probably hold this and take Your torch and zip it but the idea is to Do this in the vehicle so obviously You're not going to have this clear line Of sight so the idea would Be To either put some nuts on the existing

Studs or take you some bolts and go Ahead and put a couple in There and that'll help get things lined Up so now you can see there's our broken Stud there there's our broken stud there So now we're lined up we can just take Our torch and zip that in there but Before we do that I'm actually going to Pull that back off because I'm going to Show you something Else Now one thing we want to make sure of is We want to make sure that we've got a Clean bolt because most of the time These things are actually Rusty because They've been broken quite a while and uh And so obviously the elements have Gotten to them they're steel not Aluminum nor stainless steel so they Will be rusty where they've been broken Well if it's down below the surface like This one is you need to get that cleaned Up uh before you you start working on it And the idea is you really don't want These sticking up too proud you've got a Little leeway here because obviously of Uh of this template here um but you Don't want it too high because you do Want to get some some good weld on it For the heat to penetrate now this one's Almost flush and that one like I said is Pretty much dead flush just uh we want To clean that up a bit so even though These look clean they are pretty clean

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But if like I said if they were broken On an old uh setup then they're Definitely going to be rusty so I'm Going to take that little ball bur that They included with the kit in a little Die grinder and just clean that up a Bit there we go so that's going to give Us a nice clean surface to actually weld That onto now on this one I could just Take probably my little die grinder with A flat disc and get to it or if I want To get to it here I could do so as Well Now this head is bare and needs a Complete rebuild so if this were in a Vehicle you'd probably want to cover up Your ports with something before you go Grinding like I just did uh but you Could do that with tape or you could Stuff some rags in there whatever you Need to do the cool thing is when we Weld the porch will actually be covered Up by this okay so once again let's get Our template On Make sure we're centered up right over The studs now let's take a look here at What comes in this little uh Flex Mig Package so we get the flexible Mig tip Or torch or whatever you want to call That get a few Tips we get the Shield and then these are two adapters One of these is an M6 and one of these

Is a/ quter inch uh most of your Lincolns Millers things like that are Going to be quarter inch and even some Of your Euro style um this one here is a Euro style torch but I believe it does Have the quarter inch so we're going to Take the shield off Here take our Mig pliers And lay that aside because you're going To need that after you're done with This and then we want to make Sure that we're using the Right adapter and make sure that your Wire easily feeds through there as well Yeah That's that didn't feel good yep that's The metric we don't want that one this The quarter inch this the one we want The threads are pretty close on those so They will thread in a couple of turns Don't Force It there we go that's Good and make sure you're using the Right tip as Well lay these tips Aside and then this and again make sure Your wire feeds s into the uh to that Insert there and then you can thread on The flex Mig and now this is going to slide all The way down here and cover up where Your old Shield used to go and then we Want to put the tip on which actually I'll probably put that on later I like To do that after the wire feeds through

Because I don't want that to be Hindrance in that wire coming through And I would also keep this about as Straight as possible when you're feeding That wire So we'll put these two on after we feed The wire through again this is optional You do not have to use this Flex Mig if You can get your Mig torch in there then By all means go ahead but this is just Going to provide you a lot more Flexibility as well as convenience in Using this okay I've got my Meg on and I'm ready to feed this wire and by the Way don't have this grounded especially To the table or something where you Could accidentally the wire come out and Arc against it so I've got my ground Actually back on the welder just just Going to bump this a few times there we Go and so now we're good it's actually Sticking Out now I can put my tip On Feld On and you want to have this wire cut Pretty Flush not like a normal stick out where You might Be welding something on the Table now we're ready to go and now it's Pretty simple we want to get our tip in Here fill that full of Weld get over here zip that one full of Weld and go to

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It got my Flex M Bent here we [Applause] Go By the way I would not have your torch Cold in fact I would probably have it on The hot side if Anything you definitely don't want a Cold weld on These and it's not unheard of that you Might have to hit this Twice So now our nuts are welded On going to hit this with my Ratchet there we go it may take a little Practice as you can see I got a little Too much weld on that one kind of went Over the top of the adapter there but Just PRI it off pretty Easily let's get this other One Got everything lined up right there over The top of our Stud and there's the third One probably should have hit that with a Little more well But as you can see we got enough on it For it to come Out and as you can see here nothing hurt On the Head and we'll just see How well that cleans Up see I arked it right There which you're welding on this so

You can't expect this to stay pretty Forever but you can see it's still Cleaned up pretty Well just paper towel Again little spatter There worked out Great now let's talk about pricing first And that is the GM Master kit it's going To run you about 180 bucks on Amazon That's another cool thing easy to get uh Fast to get so 180 bucks for the master Kit I'm not sure what the LT is going to Sell for that's not quite on the market Just yet yet probably I'm seeing all of Kind of the independent ones right at $1 $120 so expect to see that uh and they Say a lifetime warranty on these I like The fact that they add these little kind Of nuts that go on the back side of the Templates and that serves a great Purpose you're not hunting for the right Siiz nut or anything like that and that They have that little shoulder on it That kind of provides that path that you Can weld up to without welding too much Slag onto your aluminum the great thing About it is it is Aluminum and it Shouldn't stick to the that however as We did you'll see some little burnt Marks if you will over time we think They worked exactly as they said they Were going to work and we did not have One failure now we only did uh five or Six of these we did a few off camera as

Well but again they worked absolutely as Planned now we know there's always going To be those exhaust manifold bolts that May take you a couple of tries and may Just be a pain in the butt and have to Resort to other measures as well but That's no fault to the easy stut out kit Hey check them out for yourselves and Also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if You don't mind would you hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep Smiling