ALL NEW RYOBI High Pressure and High Volume Inflators 160 psi

RYOBI just announced 3 brand new high-pressure and high-volume inflators and deflators. Due to hit the Home Depot shelves in January 2024 are the PCL001, PCL016, and PCL031. The PCL016 and PCL031 will each blow up a queen-size air mattress in just seconds, while the PCL001 can reach 160 psi. You get a 3-year warranty with each of the RYOBI compressor units. #review #tools #ryobitools #homedepot

RYOBI PCL001 High Pressure Inflator:
RYOBI PCL031 High Pressure High Volume Inflator:
RYOBI PCL016 High Volume Inflator:

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RI says they can put the air in and take The air Out rii is releasing three new 18volt Tools in January that's just a few days Away let's take a closer look at each One of these and then we'll come back And talk about pricing about warranty And what we think of them RI just Released three new inflators and Deflators some of them high pressure Some of them just low pressure And they're all due to hit the shelves In January so coming up in less than a Month we should start seeing these uh at Home Depot and on homed now The first one is the PCL 031 and you can Get this as a barebones kit uh where it Just comes with the inflator deflator um With the different tips and such as well As you can get it in a kit format where You get it with a 2 Amp Hour battery as Well uh and then we have the PCL 001 and this is the high pressure Digital inflator this is an inflator Deflator this Bo high pressure um and High volume so it's a dual function Machine or multi-function machine and This is just a high pressure so this is Just meant for your truck tires car Tires bicycle tires uh footballs Basketballs things like that not high Volume like uh pool rafts and mattresses Things like that but just airing up Tires and balls this also comes as a bar

Tool the PCL 001b for bar tool or the K1 Which comes with a kit a 2 a hour Battery and a charger and then we have This is an updated tool this is the r Obi 18vt 1plus whisper series high Volume inflator so the HV inflator PCL 016b for the bear tools so you can get In the bear tool format uh you can also Get it in the kit format which includes A 2 aamp hour battery and a charger so This we've actually seen before it's not The same model number but looks Remarkably the same but this one's Supposed to be 44% quieter which is a Great thing cuz this one is a bit loud But these things come in great you can Blow things off you can fill up pool Rafts uh anything with uh you know big Nozzles and moving a lot of air Especially those blowup mattresses when You're camping out sleeping in a tent or Sleeping in your truck what have you These are great for that and obviously Other large Inflatables and as I Mentioned all of these are set to be Released in January so let's take a Closer look at the PCL 031 you see it's Still not a large unit even though it's A dual function or multi-function device So this is going to handle your high Pressure so your tires and also your High volume such as your pool rafts and Mattresses things like That one thing I like right off the bat

Is we have some cord management or hose Management going on so the high pressure Hose wraps around clips into place right There the high volume hose wraps around And stores neatly in place so when You're not using it things aren't Falling out uh they're staying nice and Tidy the only thing is uh these couple Of tips right here there's not a place For them so they provided this little Bag that's probably going to get lost at Some point but still I like that the the Bones of this are all intact also if I Pull this battery off you'll see here's Our needle for pumping up our footballs And Basketballs and then even blowing up Those smaller pool floats and that's Even what that is that's a Presta Valve Adapter so your funky valve stems on Some of your High doll bike that will go Into place so that you can actually use This unit to pump those tires up that's A lifesaver there when you're out on the Road and you have a flat on those Bikes and then we get the broad tip here As well as the narrow tip and that's for Blowing up those small pool rafts and You got to stick it in there and Actually push the little valve over to Air those up that's uh a great thing to Have as well these things are kind of a Pain to get to but I really don't have a Problem with that

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Because again it's just providing a Place to keep these when they're not in Use which is most of the Time see right here we have a digital Screen can turn that on And you can see we can set the max PSI All the way up to 160 so that's really High most of these things didn't come Anywhere near that when they first Started coming out so we can go all the Way up to 160 PSI or we can bring that Down in fact we're going to bring that Down to 90 so if we hold it it jumps by fives Goes very Quickly but then if we just press it It'll go by ones down to 90 PSI so if You set that pressure and turn it on it Will actually run till it reaches that Pressure and then shut off we also get An LED light right there so for working At night need to shine some light on That tire we can do so and we get a twt Hose with a pretty cool this is like a a A this is like a quick connect so you Push that on you slide that forward that Locks it into place ready to pull it off Pull that back and pull it Off so let's go ahead and pull Off this cap and you can see this thing Is all the way Flat in fact We'll got to hold that Up there you go push it down and then

Slide that sleeve down and that locks That into place and now we can turn on Our Machine so in about a minute it blew That up from zero all the way up to 90 PSI slide that back pull it off don't Lose hardly any air pressure and now We're off and ready to Go and then when we're Done wrap it back up and again you see The Notches for each one of these wraps Nice and tidy in place now these are the Things we really love to see when we're Out in the outdoors it's nice once They're blowing up but until then And they are usually a real Pain So pull this off of Here and this is going to lock into Place right there and by the way we're Supposed to get 16 scfm so standard Cubic feet perm minuted from this high Volume side and all you have to do is Hit your power button that's going to Jump between high pressure and low Pressure so you have a picture of a tire A picture of a Mattress I'm going to turn it On this is supposed to do a queen Mattress in less than 90 seconds now This is a single mattress so it should Take Less that's 25 seconds 30

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Seconds It's been a little over a minute right There not Bad pretty Solid and right at a minute to fill that Up and by the way if you need to deflate Something all you have to Do is put it over to this side push it In there and now you can turn it on on And deflate as Well now you can get this for $80 or $79.97 for the uh bare tool or you can Get the kit with a 2 aamp hour battery And a charger for $130 and you're going To get a 3-year Warranty and again it's the PCL 031 and This is the PCL 016 and this is the high Volume inflator deflator and this is Just a really simple little unit but I'm Telling you it is very handy especially As we were mentioning blowing up pool Flops or those uh mattresses like we Just had up here uh this is one we use Around the house all the time but There's a huge difference between the Two and I'll show you here in just one Moment now they look almost identical Other than the uh whisper series name There and looks like the ribbing around Here this may be a little thinner than Here so maybe the blower housing is a Little bit bigger regardless this thing Is much quieter I'm about to show you so Here's my Neo

Shap and you can see when I'm running my Mouth I'm at about 80 DB a little little More than 80 so you shouldn't listen to Me without uh ear protection in anyway So uh I'm going to shut up here I'm Going to run the old one and then we'll Run the new One Yeah So 84 DB versus 94 D and you understand That each dcel is exponentially larger Than the prior so it's not just a a Gradual scale at all so those 10 dcel Difference is a huge difference much Quieter much more pleasant to listen to And much handier to use and with the Unit uh you can get the battery if you Get the kit so if you get the PCL 016b Just a bare tool which will come with These accessories or if you get the K1 So the PCL 016 K1 that's going to come With the tool the accessories the 2 aamp Hour battery and a charger and you get All these different accessories right Here only problem is these have to go in A little baggie or you can store them on The tool as you see here so basically This is your adapter that fits on the Nose and then your different tips will Go on There you can put those on there and Then also it can can be a deflator as Well you can put it in there and stick That in that pool raft and be able to

Remove the air from them as well a lot Of times you that air is left in there So now you can create it like A vacuum baggie and suck all the air out Of It but I like the fact that at least That stores and clips down there and Then you can put these two up here and That's a nice little blower nozzle and You just pull the trigger and it stays On blow everything away Click it turn it off this should be able To also fill up a queen air mattress in Just 90 seconds and it's supposed to Blow up 55 Queens size air mattresses on A single battery now they do show in the Testing that that's based on a 4 amp Hour battery and not the 2 Amp Hour Battery that it comes with but still you Should be able to blow up multiple air Mattresses on a single charge uh this is Going to run you $40 for the bear tool And $80 for the kit with a 2 Amp Hour And the charger and look for this in January you also get a three-year Warranty and finally we have the PCL 001 18vt OnePlus High Press digital inflator so 160 PSI you see again we're dealing with Hose management here that everything is Nice and wrapped around here then Clips To itself staying out of the way uh and Then we have a digital display right Here so if we hold the power or turn the

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Power button on So then we can Set our pressure all the way up to 160 PSI and it will shut off by itself and Then we can also run that down and it's Going to jump by fives or if we just Press the button it'll go by Singles to find the desired pressure That we want and then turn it on and It's going to pump that up until it Reaches the desired PSI and then it's Going to automatically shut off now we Don't have a light on this one like we Do on the uh larger multi-function Device but this is a small and more Compact unit and the cool thing about This is underneath the battery we have The same thing going so we have uh the Needle uh the prea valve adapter except This is plastic and not brass and then We also have the pointed unit for Blowing up pool wraps and things like That so very handy device uh this is Going to work great for again blowing up Bicycle tires and even truck tires so The fact that we can go to 160 PSI means That we're going to get a lot more use Out of this to be able to use on even Those larger truck tires and even the Higher pressure bicycle tires as well Price on this is $40 for the bear tool Or $80 for the kit that includes the 2 a Hour battery and the charger and you're Going to get a three-year warranty on

This as well and look for this in January also we get a two foot or 24 in Hose and this is your more typical Adapter on the end for actually locking On to your typical Shader valves wrap it Around and you're good to Go well we actually already shared Pricing and warranty with you threeyear Warranty on each of these tools and They're going to run anywhere from $40 In fact two of them are $40 bare tool One of them is $80 bare tool and then You're going to pay about $140 uh for The kit um for the larger unit and $80 For the kit for the two smaller units All of these are very handy and we love The fact that this is now a whisper Series which is much quieter and much More pleasant on the ears and more Pleasant just to use keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you don't mind hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means did you hate Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep Smiling