Best Space Heater? Safest and Deadliest? Let’s Find Out!

Brands: Amazon Basics, Dyson, Honeywell, MainStay, Aikoper, GiveBest, DREO, Lasko, Mr. Heater, Dr. Heater and Heat Storm. Space heaters compared for tip over and overheat protection, fan noise, electricity consumption, power surge, spot heating, and heating a 200 square foot space.

I bought all of the space heaters to ensure an unbiased review. So, thank you for supporting the channel!

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Amazon Basics:
Mr. Heater:
Dr. Heater (Dr. Infrared):
Heat Storm:
MainStay: Available at Walmart

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Unfortunately every year about 25,000 Fires are started by space heater so the Question is is that $550 space heater Any safer than the one that cost $20 We'll see which space heaters are good At starting fires then we'll see which Brand moves heat the best we'll also see Which space heaters offer the best Safety features at a price of only $20 Is this Amazon basic space heater about 20,000 of these space heaters were sold On Amazon in the last 30 days it has Three settings low at 750 wats High 1500 WTS and fan only includes overheat Protection and tip over switch we're Going to test that the Amazon Basics is Made in China and it's 2.72 lbs for the Amazon Basics let's compare the amount Of noise from 24 in from the sound meter The room is very quiet at around 35 DB With just the fan in use around 53 1/2 DB and the sound level stayed pretty Much the same on the low and high heat Setting since the heat setting does not Change the fan speed all of the space Heaters have a thermostat that powers a Heating element often on when the heater Is in use if you're a light sleeper the Amazon Basics makes a pretty loud Clicking sound with which might disrupt Your sleep also at a price of $20 the Same price as Amazon Basics is this Mainstays brand which is sold at Walmart They claim that their ceramic heating

Element creates energy efficient warmth Three different heat settings at 700 900 And 1500 WTS cool touch carrying handle It has overheat and tip over protection The main stay is made in China and the Main stay weighs 2.63 lb the main stay Is a little louder than the Amazon Basics at around 54.3 DB on various Settings and the thermostat is noisy but A little less noisy than the Amazon Basics at a price of $24 is this aopa Brand and 40,000 of these space heaters Sold in the last 30 days Ultra efficient Fan will heat up any space faster and Distribute heat more evenly we're going To test that it has three different heat Settings it has both overheat protection And a tip over switch the AER is made in China and the Acer weighs 2.24 lbs and The AER makes about the same amount of Noise as the main stay at just over 54 DB changing the heat setting doesn't Change the fan speed and the noise level Remained about the same the thermost Stat is noisy but less noisy than the Amazon basics in Mainstay at a price of Only $30 is this give best brand this is The most popular space heater on Amazon With 50,000 sales in the last 30 days They claim that their heater makes lower Than 45 DB includes overheat and tip Over protection thermostat control of Heater will turn off the heater when it Reaches a preset temperature the give

Best is made in China and is 2.64 lbs For the give best the give best is the Quietest yet at around 52.1 DB the noise Level remained about the same on the low And the high heat Settings unfortunately the thermostat Seems just as loud as the Amazon Basics And it sounds like a pretty bad engine Valve tap at a price of $40 is this drio Brand it's a 1500 wat ceramic heater This space heater is in very high demand With 30,000 in sales last month it has a Heat feddal design and they claim it can Go 200% farther than other heaters it Has tip over and overheat protection it Has a 1 to 12-hour timer eco mode and Fan mode the doo is made in China and The doo weighs just over 3 lb on the Lowest fan speed the doo is by far the Quietest yet at below 40 DB on the Highest fan speed it's occasionally Reaching 41 DB I'm not able to isolate the sound of The thermostat since the doo makes a Beeping sound while adjusting the Thermostat at a price of $65 is this Lasco brand it has a multi-functional Remote control to turn the heater off And on it features two quiet heat Settings the remote can also be used for Oscillation as well as to adjust a Thermostat the Lasco is made in China And is 5.6 lbs for the Lasco the Lasco Was quite a bit quieter than the first

Four Brands but not as quiet as the doo At around 45 1/2 DB and the noise level Pretty much stayed constant on the low And high heat settings and a thermostat On the Lasco seems almost as loud as a Doo at a price of $74 is this Mr Heater Unlike the other space heaters the Mr Heater is an indoor safe propane heater This is a very popular space heater with 10,000 in sales in the last 30 days and Electric space heater can only make About 5,200 BTUs of heat it claims to Make between 4,000 and 9,00 000 BTUs of Heat includes an accidental tip over Safety shut off it's supposed to run for About 3 hours on one pound of propane to Fire up this space heater hold down the Pilot button for 30 seconds after 30 Seconds the pilot will stay lit and you Can adjust the heat setting what's very Nice is that you do not need electricity In order to run this space heater it'll Be very nice to have one of these on Hand just in case there's a power outage The Mr Heater is made in China and the Mr Heater weighs 8.2 lb without having a Fan to make noise the propane heater is Extremely quiet in the low and high heat Setting at a price of $86 is this honey Well brand uses up to 1500 WTS includes Auto shut off and tip over protection It's a ceramic heater with a Programmable thermostat the honey well Is made in China and it's 8.25 lbs for

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The honey well and the honey well is Also pretty quiet at 44 DB with the fan Speed on low and 47.3 on high I'm not Able to isolate the thermostat entirely But it is the quietest yet and a price At right at $100 is this do heater it's A very popular heater with 10,000 in Sales in the the last 30 days dual Heating systems featuring an infrared Quartz tube the heater includes a remote Control it's rated for 5,200 BTU the Thermostat range is from 50 to 85° it Claims to be a very quiet heater at only 39 DB the doctor heater is made in China And Doctor heater is by far the heaviest Yet at 19.2 lb and the doctor heater is A little louder than the honey well at Just over 49 DB and the noise level Remain constant on various heat settings The thermostat is relatively quiet Compared to some of the other brands at A price of $120 is this heat storm brand This is a very popular space heater with 10,000 in sales in the last 30 days Wi-Fi enabled it makes it possible for You to control the temperature from your Phone it also has a safe to touch Grill Up to 1500 watts of power the heat storm Is made in China if you're worried about Kids or pets tipping over a space heater This one helps prevent that from Happening by mounting to a wall it also Includes a template with a level for Placing the screws into a wall in the

Correct position on the first attempt And the space heater also comes with the Wall mount hardware and a 7 .74 lbs for The heat storm let's go ahead and mount The heat storm to a movable wall for Testing purposes four screws and a Couple of brackets and the heat storm is Ready for action on the lowest fan speed The heat storm is around 42.3 DB and It's around 53.4 DB on the highest fan Speed the thermostat is relatively quiet Compared to some of the other brands and The most expensive space heater we'll be Testing is made by Dyson and cost $550 in addition to being a space heater It's also an air purifier they claim That their HEPA filter removes 99 97% of Particles as small as 0.3 microns the Dicing comes with both of the hea Filters that are needed and the Replacement filters cost around $37 the Filters are easy to install no Engineering degree is required up to 350° of oscillation and the Dyson is Made in Malaysia and the Dyson weighs 11.87 lb and the Dyson is extremely Quiet on the lowest fan speed and pretty Loud on the highest fan speed at 58.3 DB It has the quietest thermostat in the Lineup on the lowest heat setting Mr Heater which is the Pro pain heater and The dicd make the least amount of noise At around 35 DB on the highest heat Setting Mr Heater is the quietest at

Around 35 DB however the doo is Relatively quiet at 41 DB and the Lasco 45.5 at the clicking sound made from the Space heater thermostat bothers you the Dyson is the quietest however honey well Dror heater and heat storm also perform Very well let's compare the ability of The space heaters to broadcast heat 36 In there are three thermometers placed About 20 in apart from each other the Space heaters are going to be aimed at The center thermometer and all the Thermometers are reading about 67° F at The start of the test and 5 minutes is Up and the Amazon Basics increase the Temperature of the center thermometer by 5° to 72 the left and right thermometers Are still reading 67° adding up the Temperature increase for all three Thermometers the space heater brought up The temperature by a total of 4.4 de I'll go Ahad and use a fan to cool down The entire test area before we begin the Next test and the thermometers are Starting out at very close to 67° and The main state did a better job of Directing the heat than the Amazon Basics and the thermometer on the left And right experienced less than a degree Of temperature change however the Thermometer in the middle increased the Most yet by about 7° all three Thermometers for the a coper are Starting out at very close to 67° after

5 minutes the a coper made the least Amount of progress yet with the left and Right thermometers increasing by 2/10 of A degree and the center thermometer only Went up by 2.2 de and the give best is Starting off at 67.6 68 and 66.9 DE After 5 minutes the give best moves into Second place with the center thermometer Increasing by almost 6° and the doo has A heat funnel design that's supposed to Broadcast the heat 200% farther than the Competition and the dro is done by far The best yet with the center thermometer Increasing by 20° in 5 minutes very Impressive and the Lasco also seems to Have a pretty powerful fan and the Lasco Moves into second place behind the doo At 80.4 De on the center thermometer and Mr Heater is a propane heater without a Fan it makes more heat than most of the Other space heaters but it can't Broadcast the heat is effective ly Without a fan however Mr Heater did the Best job yet at warming up all three Thermometers by about 4° each I've Lowered the honey well so that it can Blow heat towards the center thermometer After 5 minutes the honey wheel did a Pretty good job with the center Thermometer increasing by 8° that's good Enough to move into fourth place behind Mr Heater and Dr heater seems to do a Great job of blowing heat and Dr heater Performed very well with about a 19°

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Temperature increase on the center Thermometer and the heat storm is Designed to be mounted on a wall and the Heat storm performed almost the same as The honey well increases the temperature Of the center thermometer by about 7° And the Dyson also has a very powerful Fan compared to most of the other brands And the Dyson performed very well Increasing the center thermometer by About 13° it also did a better job than Most at warming up the left and right Thermometers while all the electric Heaters produce about the same amount of Heat the dro perform the best at moving The heat heat storm added a total of 19.7 De of heat to all three Thermometers and DiCon 17.2 electric Resistance heating both ceramic and Convection is very close to 100% energy Efficient in the sense that all incoming Electric energy is converted to heat on The lowest heat setting the Amazon Basics is at 922 Watts on the high Setting the power demand went up to 1,741 Watts for a very short period of Time after 30 seconds the Amazon space Heater is at 1,54 Watts the main stay is At 726 Watts on the lowest heat setting It's very close to 1,000 watts in the Medium setting on the high heat setting The main State went up to 1,760 Watts After 30 seconds the energy consumption Stabilized at

1,532 Watt on low the Y coper is at 775 Watts on the medium setting around 940 Watts on the highest setting 1,687 watts is the lowest power Spike of The three brands so far after 30 seconds On high the aoer is at 1, 155 Watts on The lowest heat setting the give best is At 788 Watts on the highest heat setting The energy demand topped out at 1,75 Watts before settling down to right at 1500 and the doo is at 900 80 Watts on The lowest heat setting on the highest Heat setting the dro spiked 1,666 Watts before settling down to 1,432 on the lowest heat setting the Lasco is at 854 Watts it topped out at 1,671 Watts on the highest heat setting Before stabilizing at 1,454 watts and the honey well is at 900 Watts on the lowest heat setting and the Honey well topped out at 2,24 Watts on The highest heat setting which could Easily trip a 15 amp breaker after 30 Seconds the honey well settled down to 1,490 wat and the doctor heater is at 17 Watts on the lowest heat setting and the Doctor heater topped out at 1,846 Watts Which might trip a 15 amp breaker after 30 seconds 1,526 watts and heat storm is very close To 86 Watts on low on the high heat Setting it only went up to 1,596 Watts briefly before settling down Just a little to

1,585 Watts on the lowest fan speed the Dyson was very energy thirsty at 1,984 Watts it did drop down to 1,381 on the highest heat setting the Dyson dropped to 1500 watts a space Heater that demands too much electricity Might trip a breaker the space heater With the least amount of peak power Demand is the heat storm which topped Out at 1,596 Watts the duo topped out at 1,666 and Lasco 1,671 and most of the space heaters are Rated for 1500 watts and most of the Space heaters actually achiev their Rating the heat storm was the highest at 1,585 continuous and the drill was the Lowest at 1,432 Watts let's see if any of these Space heaters are contributing to the 25,000 space heater fires that happen Every year and the Amazon Basics powered Off immediately when tipped over and it Did not melt the plastic just like the Amazon Basics the main State powered off Immediately and did not melt the plastic And the ooper has a very effective tip Over shut off switch and the give best Also performed very well and did not Melt the plastic and the doo immediately Powered off the heating Element and the fan kept on running to Cool down the heating Element instead of powering down

Immediately the Lasco continues Supplying electricity to the heating Element for about 25 seconds before Powering down in my opinion immediately Shutting off after tip over is a much Better safety design however the plastic Did not Melt while Mr Heater did power Off the front of the space heater is Very hot and it melted the plastic and The honey well shut off before the face Of the space heater touched the ground The plastic did not melt just like the Honey well doctor heater shut off as Soon as it was tipped over let's skip The heat storm since it's designed to be Mounted to a wall and not subject to tip Over and the Dyson shut off less than a Second after the tip over and the Plastic did not melt assessing tip over Is highly subjective most of the space Heaters receive the best possible rating Of one on this test the Lasco received The rating of three since it did not Power down the heating element Immediately after tip over each year Thousands of space heater fires are Caused by Fabric and curtains coming Into contact with space heaters I'll Place a pillow case over the space Heater and we'll see how long it takes For the space heater to shut Down any Amazon Basics perform well Shutting down in about 35 seconds the Fabric isn't too hot at only 147° F and

Main stay Stayed running a lot longer Than the Amazon Basics and the main State finally shut down in a minute and A half the fabric temperature is around 313° and the acopa refused to power down And made a very good effort at trying to Start a Fire and the fabric made it to 3 20° and The space heater finally shut down at Close to 5 minutes and 15 Seconds just like the Amazon Basics the GI best performed very well shutting off At close to 35 seconds the fabric Temperature emitted to 236° and the Dr also performed very well But not quite as well as the Amazon Basics in the give best shutting down in 46 Seconds the fabric temperature is around 250° and the Lasco struggled during the Tip over test but it performed the best On this test so far shutting down in Only 8 seconds the fabric is at 162° and The honey well performed very well on The tip over test and the best so far of All the brands on this test shutting off In less than 3 Seconds the fabric is around 149° and The doctor heater was just about as Persistent as the a coper but finally Shut off at 4 minutes and the fabric is Very hot at 31° and the hit storm Contin to run for A little bit longer than the best

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Performers finally shutting down at Around 57 Seconds and the Dyson uses a much Different design for projecting heat Compared to the other brands and the Temperature of the heat source is at Nearly as high as the other brands and The Dyson finally shut down after 8 Minutes after added a couple more pillow Covers however the fabric only made it To around 191° and Mr Heater is by far the hottest Heater in the lineup and it quickly Melted the pillowcase and started a Small fire let's try a pillowcase that Has a higher amount of cotton and it Took less than 10 seconds for the Pillowcase to catch on fire fire Definitely not as safe as the electric Space heaters and a very high risk of Fire under the right circumstances so The honey well shut down the fastest in Less than 3 seconds the Lasco also Performed very well at only 8 seconds Another way to measure performance is to Consider the fabric temperature and the Amazon Basics and honey well performed Very well at less than 150° Lasco also Performed well at 162 and Dyson 19.7 de In the next test let's compare how the Space heaters perform warming up in a Very cold but very well insulated 200t Building this is definitely not a Perfect test since outdoor temperature

Is not constant and will impact the test Results and the Amazon basic started out At around 38° and had 30 minutes to warm Up the building taking the average Temperature increase for each Thermometer about 3.56 de per Thermometer on average and the main stay Picked up where the Amazon Basics left Off after 30 minutes the main stay Performed almost as well as the Amazon Basics at 3° per thermometer on average And there's still a lot more work that Needs to be done to warm up the 200 ft Building AER did not perform quite as Well as the Amazon Basics and Main stay On the spot warming test and it didn't Perform as well on this test either 2.87 De on average is the least amount of Progress yet and the give best Outperformed the AE keeper on the spot Heating test and it outperformed it once Again on this test 3.87 De is the best Yet and the doo did a terrific job of Directing heat to a specific Target but It only consumes about 1,430 Watts not Surprisingly the doo only averaged about 2.7 de of temperature increase just like The Doo the Lasco doesn't make as much Heat as some the other brands at around 1,450 watts of power consumption and the Lasco made the least amount of progress Yet at only 2° on average and the honey Well consumes a little more electricity Than the Lasco at around 1,490 watts and

The honey well performed about the same As the doo at 2.7 de on average Dr Heater uses around 1,526 watts compared to 1,490 for the Honey well and Dr heer made good use of The extra electricity with an average Temperature increase of 3.37 De and a Heat storm is has elevated off the Ground a little bit more than the other Brands however the heat storms still Perform well at 3.3 de on average and The Dyson has a very powerful fan that Moves a lot of air and the Dyson just Moved into a two-way tie for first place With the give best at 3.87 De on average And the propane heater makes a lot of Heat but most of it's going straight to The ceiling since it doesn't have a fan And the propane heater performed well at 2.63 de on average so the give best and Dyson came out on top with an average Temperature increase of 3.87 De the Amazon Basics also perform well at 3.57 De space heater weight might be a factor And the aoba is the lightest at just Over 2 lb however several of the other Space heaters are between 2 and 3 lb Unfortunately a lot of space heater Fires are started by using extension Cords let's go ahead and plug in two Space heaters since this extension cord Has three outlets and we still have an Extra outlet for a third space heater if We need it and the energy use meter is

Showing over 2,100 Watts which is Definitely going to cause some problems Very quickly after about a minute the Extension cord is extremely hot at 330° Let's go and stop the test and take a Closer look any extension cord has Already begun melting and this is how a Lot of space heater fires get started so Which space heater is best the space Heaters are organized from least Expensive to most expensive I've Converted the raw score performance into An A through F rating in my opinion Safety is by far the most important Factor when it comes to space heaters For a $20 space heater the Amazon Basics Perform well in the safety testing and I Would definitely consider buying it While it is a little bit louder than Some of the other space heaters it Performs very well for a $40 space Heater I really like the Doo the doo is Not only safe it also is quieter than The Amazon Basics and it performed well In most other categories if it's all About safety the honey well is the Safest space heater in the lineup with An earning of A+ in both safety Categories however it is a pretty large Space heater and pretty expensive at Around $86 the propane heater is not Nearly as safe as the electric heaters But it's a great resource to have on Hand just in case of a power outage from

An ice storm a big thank you to everyone That suggested this review I really had A lot of fun testing space ERS and Learned a lot all the videos in this Channel including this one are viewers Suggested so if you have a video idea I Hope you'll take time to leave a comment Thanks so much you're watching please Take care and I look forward to next Time